Change Your Thinking to Change Your Life : A Practical Guide to Finding Your Purpose : 9 Audio CDs Included - Kate James

Change Your Thinking to Change Your Life : A Practical Guide to Finding Your Purpose

9 Audio CDs Included

Author: Kate James

Read by: Kate James

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Change Your Thinking to Change Your Life is a practical guide to making changes that will help you lead a more authentic life, from the bestselling author, Kate James.

Many of us experience feelings of being stuck in the wrong life and disconnected from our true selves.

Australian mindfulness expert and bestselling author Kate James has coached thousands of clients in similar situations.

Now, in Change Your Thinking to Change Your Life, Kate introduces us to a range of techniques, based on her knowledge of mindfulness, positive psychology, ACT, creativity and neuropsychology, that will help us clarify our goals, realise our purpose and connect more fully with the wonder of life.

Change Your Thinking to Change Your Life will help you to:
  • get to know yourself well
  • overcome the thoughts and beliefs that inhibit inner peace and limit you in your life choices
  • find your way to your version of a fulfilling life.
About the Author

Kate James is a successful coach, meditation teacher, speaker and writer. Kate helps her clients discover their values and innate strengths and guides them toward purposeful, meaningful lives. She is the author of Change How You Think and Be Happier Now, Be Mindful and Simplify Your Life, Believe in Yourself and Do What You Love and The Mindfulness Journal.
Industry Reviews
'A collection of invaluable insights, practical tools and life-enhancing advice.' -- David Michie, bestselling author of Buddhism for Busy People

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