Chapter 1 The Chemical Bond: Classical Concepts and Theories
1.1: Introduction
1.2: Valence
1.3: The Periodic Table of the Elements
1.4: Structural Formulas
1.5: Stereochemistry
1.6: The Shell Model
1.7: The Ionic Model of the Chemical Bond
1.8: The Covalent Bond and Lewis Structures
1.9: Polar Bonds and Electronegativty
1.10: Polyatomic Anions and Formal Charges
1.11: Oxidation Number (Oxidation State)
1.12: Donor-Acceptor Bonds
1.13: Exceptions to the Octet Rule: Hypervalent and Hypovalent Molecules
1.14: Limitations of the Lewis Model
Chapter 2 Bond Properties
2.1: Introduction
2.2: Bond Lengths and Covalent Radii
2.3: Multiple Bonds and Bond Order
2.4: Ionic Radii
2.5: The Lengths of Polar Bonds
2.6: Back-Bonding
2.7: Bond Dissociation Energies and Bond Enthalpies
2.8: Force Constants
2.9: Dipole Moments
Chapter 3 Some Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics
3.1: Introduction
3.2: Light, Quantization, and Probability
3.3: The Early Quantum Model of the Atom
3.4: The Wave Nature of Matter and the Uncertainty Principle
3.5: The Schrödinger Equation and the Wave Function
3.6: The Meaning of the Wave Function: Probability and Electron Density
3.7: The Hydrogen Atom and Atomic Orbitals
3.8: Electron Spin
3.9: The Pauli Principle
3.10: Multielectron Atoms and Electron Configurations
3.11: Bonding Models
3.12: Ab Initio Calculations
3.13: Postscript
Chapter 4 Molecular Geometry and the VSEPR Model
4.1: Introduction
4.2: The Distribution of Electrons in Valence Shells
4.3: Electron Pair Domains
4.4: Two, Three, Four, and Six Electron Pair Valence Shells
4.5: Multiple Bonds
4.6: Five Electron Pair Valence Shells
Chapter 5 Ligand-Ligand Interactions and the Ligand Close-Packing (LCP) Model
5.1: Introduction
5.2: Ligand-Ligand Interactions
5.3: The Ligand Close-Packing (LCP) Model
5.4: Bond Lengths and Coordination Number
5.5: Molecules with Two or More Different Ligands
5.6: Bond Angles in Molecules with Lone Pairs
5.7: Weakly Electronegative Ligands
5.8: Ligand-Ligand Interactions in Molecules of the Elements in Periods 3-6
5.9: Polyatomic Ligands
5.10: Comparison of the LCP and VSEPR Models
Chapter 6 The AIM Theory and the analysis of the electron density
6.1: Introduction
6.2: The Hellmann-Feynman Theorem
6.3: Representing the Electron Density
6.4: The Density Difference or Deformation Function
6.5: The Electron Density from Experiment
6.6: The Topology of the Electron Density
6.7: Atomic Properties
6.8: Bond Properties
6.9: The Diatomic Hydrides of Periods 2 and 3
6.10: Summary
Chapter 7 The Laplacian of the Electron Density
7.1: Introduction
7.2: The Laplacian of the Electron Density
7.3: The Valence Shell Charge Concentration
7.4: The Laplacian and the VSEPR Model
7.5: Electron Pair Localization and the Lewis and VSEPR Models
7.6: Summary
Chapter 8 Molecules of the Elements of Period 2
8.1: Introduction
8.2: The Relationship between Bond Properties and the AIM Theory
8.3: The Nature of the Bonding in the Fluorides, Chlorides, and Hydrides of Li, Be, B, and C
8.4: The Geometry of the Molecules of Be, B, and C
8.5: Hydroxo and Related Molecules of Be, B, and C
8.6: The Nature of the CO and Other Polar Multiple Bonds
8.7: Bonding and Geometry of the Molecules of Nitrogen
8.8: The Geometry of the Molecules of Oxygen
Chapter 9 Molecules of the Elements of Period 3-6
9.1: Introduction
9.2: Hypervalence
9.3: Bonding in the Fluorides, Chlorides, and Hydrides with an LLP Coordination Number Up to Four
9.4: Geometry of the Fluorides, Chlorides, and Hydrides with an LLP Coordination Number Up to Four
9.5: Molecules with an LLP Coordination Number of Five
9.6: Molecules with an LLP Coordination Number of Six
9.7: Molecules with an LLP Coordination Number of Seven or Higher
9.8: Molecules of the Transition Metals
Formula Index