Plenary lecture - chemical modification of polymer supports for solid phase peptide synthesis, R.B.Merrifield. Biomaterials: biosensors - concepts and applications, C.R.Lowe; comparison of methods for activating hydroxyl groups for preparing immobilized biomolecules, W.H.Scouten et al; efficient coupling of amino and thiol ligands to solid-phase hydroxyl groups activated by 2-fluoro-1-methylpyridinium salts (FMP), T.T.Ngo; the adsorption of proteins on chemically modified hydrophobic surfaces, S.S.Saavedra, C.H.Lochmuller; spherical cellulose with controlled porosity for biomedical interactions, J.Stamberg et al; reactive microporous composite membranes, L.A.Errede et al; synthesis of DNA on silica surfaces, M.H.Caruthers; immobilizing fluorescently-labelled albumin for use in a fiberoptic bilirubin monitor, W.H.Scouten et al; methods for preparation of immobilized enzyme reactors for use in combination with a solid state chemiluminescence system, G.Gubitz et al; immobilized carbonic anhydrase for carbon dioxide management, G.B.Kitto. Catalysis: wrapping polymers around metal atoms, metal clusters and metal colloids, G.A.Ozin; attachment of organorhodium complexes to metal oxides - chemical and physical characterization, K.Cannon et al; novel chemical pathways at chemically modified electrodes, A.R.Guadalupe et al; synthesis and characterization of silica-round propanesulfonic acid, R.D.Badley and W.T.Ford; chemical modificaton of the gallery surfaces in layered silicate clays (LSC's) for catalytic applications in nucleophilic displacement reactions, A.Kadkhodayan et al. Surface characterization: interactional effects in the chemisorbed layer, J.T.Yates; the surface analysis of plasma-deposited amorphous silicon nitride by surface tension measurements and photoacoustic IR spectroscopy, A.Bordeleau et al; a comparative FTIR-PAS-spectroscopic study of boron-nitrogen compounds in mordenites, J.Philippaerts and E.F.Vansant; characterization of chemically modified silica gels by 29Si - and 13C - NMR spectroscopy, K.Albert et al; proton NMR studies of silica surfaces and modified silica surfaces, C.E.Bronnimann et al; a study of chain motion and configuration in dimethyloctadecylsilane-modified silica surfaces, R.C.Ziegler et al. Surface modification in electronics: chemically modified microelectrode arrays - new kinds of electronic devices, M.S.Wrighton et al; electronically conducting films of poly-trisbipyridene metal complexes, C.M.Elliott; in situ measurements of monolayer mass changes at the solid/liquid interface, D.A.Buttry et al; (part contents).