The Drained Brains Caper, the first in the new Chicagoland Detective Agency graphic novel series, tells the story of Megan, a new student at Stepford Academy whose suspicions about the zombielike student body get her a psychological evaluation that leads to an action-packed adventure with new friend and computer programmer Raf. At the conclusion, Meg and Raf team up with an animal ally with unexpected talents to form the Chicagoland Detective Agency. Fast-paced mystery, likeable characters, and zombies equal a strong start to this new graphic novel series from writer Trina Robbins and artist Tyler Page. Megan is a particularly well-formed character; her sense of humor, love of poetry, and teenage impatience make her likeable. Illustrations effectively convey mood and action. Twelve-year-old Raf, however, does not look twelve; this is confusing, because he is also introduced as a computer programmer working at a pet supply store. Once the reader determines that Raf and Megan are peers, the story makes sense. The book wraps up with Meg and Raf teaming up with Bradley, the sleuthing, talking dog, to form the Chicagoland Detective Agency. The talking dog makes this graphic novel appeal to a younger audience, but older tweens and young teens will enjoy Meg's eclectic interests and, of course, the zombies. --VOYA
-- "Journal"
Thirteen-year-old Megan Yamamura has recently moved to Chicago. A vegetarian haiku poet and manga fan, she stands out at her new school, Stepford Academy, where the students appear to be brainwashed into complete conformity. With her new friend Raf Hernandez, Megan uncovers the exploits of campy villain Dr. Vorschak and rescues a talking dog who is a fan of old detective films. Though it is full of sophisticated references, this inventive, playful story should appeal to tween readers. Diverse characters and assured, accessible cartoon-style illustrations make it a promising start to a new series. --School Library Journal
-- "Journal"
Thirteen-year-old Megan Yamamura is new in town, and she knows from day one that something isn't right at her new school. At the Stepford Preparatory Academy, the zombie-like students are all a little too willing to follow the rules. When Megan teams up with 12-year-old computer programming genius Raf Hernandez to get to the bottom of the mind-altered teens, they discover a lunch lady turned mad scientist who is experimenting on the students and a talking dog named Bradley. Although elements of the story may be a little too familiar (zombie teens, crazy lunch ladies, talking animals), the crisp black and white artwork is appealing, and the writing is just edgy enough to entice middle-schoolers. --Library Media Connection
-- "Journal"
This series opener does the legwork of bringing together the major players--Megan, the new girl in town; Raf, who works at his mom's pet-food store; and a talking dog schooled in the lingo of classic detective movies--but it doesn't forget to tell an entertaining story. Megan gets enrolled in a summer school where the students are all suspiciously conformist--and what's with the Band-Aids they all sport on their foreheads? Sure enough, something's rotten at Stepford Prep, and that something is the maniacal Dr. Vorschak, who's looking to score a Nobel by lobe-snipping and serum-injecting, making kids perfect little citizens. Page's black-and-white cartooning has a loose manga slant, with peppy goofiness popping out from stippled screen tones. There are also plenty of references that fans of the format will pick up on: Megan sneaks copies of Peroxide and Veggie Baskets into class. Heroic zaniness abounds, and in the end, Megan, Raf, and Bradley the dog decide to jump into the private-eye business. There's little doubt readers will happily jump with them. --Booklist
-- "Journal"