Assisted Reproduction: Its Implications for Children: Market inalienability | |
Give me children or I shall die! New reproductive technologies and harm to children | |
Human cloning and child welfare | |
The best interests of the child in assisted human reproduction: the interplay between the state, professionals and parents | |
Sex Selection: Book review of Gendercide: the Implications of Sex Selection | |
A reply to Holmes on Gendercide | |
Preconception gender selection | |
Choosing the Sexual Orientation of Children: Choosing the sexual orientation of children | |
Prenatal diagnosis: whose right? | |
Wrongful Life and Death: Moral obligations to the not-yet-born: the fetus as patient | |
Wrongful life and the counterfactual element in harming | |
The wrong of wrongful life | |
When is birth unfair to the child? | |
Prenatal wrongful death | |
Genetic dilemmas and the child's right to an open future | |
The Newborn's Status: Delivering hydrocephalic fetuses | |
Defective Newborn Children: Deciding for imperilled newborns: medical authority or parental autonomy? Hazel E. McHaffie | |
Moral and ethical dilemmas in the special-care nursery | |
Neonatal viability in the 1990s: held hostage by technology | |
Neonatal Intensive Care: Neonatal intensive care: parents' role in ethical decision making | |
Interdependence and reintegrative social control: labeling and reforming 'inappropriate' parents in neonatal intensive care | |
HIV Testing of Newborn Children: An argument for universal paediatric HIV testing, counseling and treatment | |
Mandatory screening of newborns for HIV: and idea whose time has not yet come | |
Children as Donors: Should foetuses or infants be utilized as organ donors? | |
Justice for children: the child as organ donor | |
Rethinking transplantation between siblings | |
Role of a child advocate in the selection of donors for pediatric bone marrow transplantation | |
Procreation for donation: the moral and political permissibility of 'having a child to save a child' | |
Conjoined Twins: The ethics of caring for conjoined twins: the Lakeberg twins | |
Human beings, persons and conjoined twins: an ethical analysis of the judgment in Re A | |
Decisions about Health Care: The best interests standard as threshold, ideal and standard of reasonableness | |
Everyday and medical life choices: decision making among 8- to 15-year-old school students | |
Coercion or caring: analysing adolescent autonomy | |
Health care decision making by children: is it in their best interests? | |
Disclosure and consent problems in pediatrics | |
When adolescents 'mismanage' their chronic medical conditions: an ethical exploration | |
The Competence of Children: What do you say to a child with AIDS? | |
The competency of children and adolescents to make informed treatment decisions | |
Reasoning about illness in ill and healthy children and adolescents: cognitive and emotional developmental aspects | |
In the genes or in the stars? Children's competence to consent | |
Adolescents and life or Death Decisions: Affirming the decisions adolescents make about life and death | |
Children as Subjects of Research: Research with children | |
Children's concepts of research hospitalization | |
The enforcement of morals: nontherapeutic research on children | |
Prophylactic interventions on children: balancing human rights with public health | |
Is it in a neonate's best interest to enter a randomized controlled trial? | |
Genetic Testing of Children: Testing children for genetic predispositions: is it in their best interest? | |
Children's Rights to Health Care: Do children's rights to health care in the UK ensure their best interests? | |
Children's rights to health care | |
Name index | |
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