Foreword Introduction PART ONE GENERAL INFORMATION Chapter 1 Background Information Geography, Climate, Natural history and conservation, History of the Carretera Austral - an overview, Government and politics, Economy, People and culture, Language Chapter 2 Practical Information When to visit, Highlights, Suggested itineraries, Tour operators, Tourist information, Red tape, Embassies, Getting there and away, Health, Safety and hassles, What to take, Money and budgeting, Getting around, Accommodation, Eating and drinking, Public holidays, Shopping, Activities along the Carretera Austral, Communications, Cultural etiquette PART TWO THE NORTHERN CARRETERA AUSTRAL Chapter 3 Puerto Montt History, Getting there and around, Tour operators, Where to stay, Where to eat and drink, Entertainment and nightlife, Shopping, Other practicalities, What to see and do Chapter 4 Puerto Montt to Villa Santa Lucia Towards Hornopiren, Hornopiren, Parque Nacional Hornopiren, Towards Chaiten, Chaiten, Parque Pumalin, El Amarillo to Villa Santa Lucia PART THREE THE CLASSIC ROUTE Chapter 5 Futaleufu to La Junta Futaleufu, Palena - a detour, Puerto Ramirez, La Junta and around, Raul Marin Balmaceda - a detour, Lago Verde - a detour Chapter 6 La Junta to Puyuhuapi and Cisnes Puyuhuapi, Puerto Cisnes - a detour, Villa Amengual and a detour to Paso Rio Frias-Apeleg Chapter 7 Puerto Aysen and Chacabuco Manihuales and around, Puerto Aysen/Puerto Chacabuco, Reserva Nacional Rio Simpson Chapter 8 Coyhaique History, Getting there, Tour operators, Where to stay, Where to eat and drink, Entertainment and nightlife, Shopping, Other practicalities, Sightseeing and excursions Chapter 9 South of Coyhaique: to Cruce El Maiten via Lago General Carrera Lakes south of Coyhaique, Balmaceda - exiting the Carretera Austra, Puerto Ibanez - a detour, Cerro Castillo, Bahia Murta and Puerto Sanchez - a detour, Puerto Rio Tranquilo, Cruce El Maiten, Chile Chico - a detour PART FOUR THE SOUTHERN CARRETERA AUSTRAL Chapter 10 The Deep South: Cruce El Maiten to Caleta Tortel Puerto Bertrand, Parque Patagonia, Cochrane, Caleta Tortel - a detour Chapter 11 Exiting/Entering the Carretera Austral: Villa O'Higgins and beyond Villa O'Higgins and around, Crossing into Argentina Appendix 1 Language Appendix 2 Further Information Index Index of advertisers