Section I Pathophysiology and Molecular Mechanisms of Chordoma
1 Notochordal Morphogenesis and the Origin of Chordoma Matthew L. Goodwin, MD PhD, David C. Clever, MD PhD2 Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms of Spinal ChordomaConnor Liu, BS; Ann Liu, MD; Chetan Bettegowda, MD/PhD
Section II Epidemiology, Clinical History, and Work-Up for Chordoma
3 Historical Overview, Demographics, and Clinical Presentation of Spinal Chordoma Zach Pennington BS, Andrew Schilling AB, Joseph H. Schwab MS MS, Daniel M. Sciubba MD4 Clinical Work up, Diagnostic Imaging and Biopsy Daniel Ryan, MD; John Gross, MD; Zach Pennington BS, Majid Khan, MD5 Histopathologic Classification of Spinal Chordoma John M Gross MD, Edward F McCarthy MD6 Multi-disciplinary Planning for Treatment Nicholas A Shepard MD, Matthew W Colman MD
Section III Surgical Management of Chordoma
7 Surgical Management of Chordoma of the Occipitocervical Junction Zach Pennington BS, Jeff Ehresman BS, Andrew Schilling BA, Daniel M. Sciubba MD8 Surgical Management of Chordoma of the Cervical Spine Oliver G.S. Ayling MD, MSc, Nicolas Dea MD, MSc9 Surgical Management of Chordoma of the Thoracic Spine Daniel G. Tobert MD, John H. Shin MD, Joseph H. Schwab MD10 Surgical Management of Chordoma of the Lumbar Spine Sutipat Pairojboriboon MD, Amanda Sacino MDPhD, Sheng-fu Larry Lo MD11 Surgical Management of Chordoma of the Sacrum Peter S. Rose, MD, Matthew T. Houdek, MD, Cory G. Couch, MD12 Soft Tissue Reconstruction Following Surgery for Sacral Chordoma Rachel Skladman MD, Zach Pennington BS, Justin M. Sacks MD MBA FACS13 Vascular Reconstruction After EnBloc Resection. Daniel G. Tobert MD, Joseph H. Schwab MD
Section IV Radiation and Chemotherapeutic Adjuvants for Chordoma
14 Photon Therapy for Chordoma of the Spine Chunzi Jenny Jin MD MSc, Yoshiya Josh Yamada MD FRCPC15 Heavy Particle Therapy for Chordoma David J. Konieczkowski MD PhD, Reiko Imai MD, Thomas F. DeLaney MD16 Systemic Therapy, Trials and Future Directions for Chordoma of the Spine Daniel J. Zabransky, MD, PhD, Zach Pennington BS, Christian Meyer, MD, MS, PhD