Acknowledgements | p. ix |
Preface | p. xi |
Conciliarideas | |
The Political Ideas of Conciliarism and Papalism, 1430-1450 (Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 20. Cambridge, 1969 Also published as 'Politische Grundgedanken des Konziliarismus und des Papalismus zwischen 1430 und 1450', in Die Entwicklung des Konziliarismus, ed. R. Baumer. Darmstadt, 1976, pp. 295-328) | p. 45 |
What was Conciliarism? Conciliar Theory in Historical Perspective (Authority and Power: Studies on Medieval Law and Government, ed. Brian Tierney and Peter Linehan. Cambridge, 1980) | p. 213 |
The Universities and the Council of Basle: Ecclesiology and Tactics (Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 6. Rome, 1974) | p. 341 |
The Universities and the Council of Basle: Collegium and Concilium (The Universities in the Late Middle Ages, ed. J. Ijsewijn and J. Paquet. Leuven, 1978) | p. 511 |
Diplomacy, Doctrine and the Disintegration of an Idea into Politics (Studien zum 15. Jahrhundert: Festschrift fur Erich Meuthen, ed. Johannes Helmrath and Heribert Muller. Munchen, 1994) | p. 77 |
Heimericus de Campo: The Council and History (Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum, 2. Rome, 1970) | p. 78 |
The Realist Ecclesiology of Heimerich van de Velde (Facultas S. Theologiae Lovaniensis 1432-1797, ed. E.J.M. van Eijl. Leuven, 1977) | p. 273 |
Panormitanus on the Decretum (Traditio, 26. New York, 1970) | p. 440 |
The Council of Basle and the Second Vatican Council (Studies in Church History, vol. 7, ed. G. Cuming and D. Baker. Cambridge, 1971) | p. 229 |
Communal Ideas | |
Society and the Individual from the Middle Ages to Rousseau: Philosophy, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory (History of Political Thought, 1. Exeter, 1980) | p. 145 |
Political Languages in Later Medieval Europe (Church and Sovereignty: Essays in honour of Michael Wilks, ed. Diana Wood. Oxford, 1991) | p. 313 |
The Juristic Origins of Social Contract Theory (History of Political Thought, 14. Exeter, 1993) | p. 57 |
The Commune in Political Theory in the Late Middle Ages (Theorien kommunaler Ordnung in Europa, ed. Peter Blickle. Schriften des Historischen Kollegs Kolloquien, 36. Munchen, 1996) | p. 99 |
Communal Democracy and its History (Political Studies, 45. Oxford, 1997) | p. 5 |
Harmony and Strife in Political Thought c. 1300-1500 (Sozialer Wandel im Mittelalter. Wahrnehmungsformen, Erklarungsmuster, Regelungsmechanismen, ed. Jurgen Miethke and Klaus Schreiner. Sigmaringen, 1994) | p. 355 |
Christianity and Republicanism: From St. Cyprian to Rousseau (American Political Science Review, 91. New York, 1997) | p. 1 |
Christianity and Republicanism: A Response to Nederman (American Political Science Review, 92. New York, 1998) | p. 1 |
Republicanism as a European Phenomenon (Originally published as 'Republikanismus als europaisches Phanomen', in Verborgene republikanische Traditionen in Oberschwaben, ed. Peter Blickle. Tubingen, 1998, pp. 13-24) | p. 1 |
Concepts of Civil Society in Pre-modern Europe (Civil Society: History and Possibilities, ed. Sudipta Kaviraj and Sunil Khilnani. Cambridge, 2001) | p. 33 |
Nation and Community in the International Order (Review of International Studies, 19. Cambridge, 1993) | p. 81 |
The Comparative Study of Ideas | |
Individuals, Groups and States: A Comparative Overview (The Individual in Political Theory and Practice, ed. Janet Coleman, in series The Origins of the Modern State in Europe, 13th-18th Centuries, ed. W. Blockmans and J-P. Genet, for The European Science Foundation. Oxford, 1996) | p. 329 |
Classical Islam and Medieval Europe: A Comparison of Political Philosophies and Cultures (Political Studies, 41(1993). Reprinted as 'Medieval Institutions: Islam and the West', in The Middle Ages, vol. 2: Readings in Medieval History, 5th. edn, ed. Brian Tierney. Oxford, 1999, pp. 240-50) | p. 58 |
Islamic Views of International Order (Rivista di storia della filosofia, 1. Milan, 1997) | p. 129 |
Harmony Versus Conflict: Biological and Strategic Paths to Toleration (Toleration: Philosophy and Practice, ed. John Horton and Peter Nicholson. Aldershot, 1992) | p. 165 |
Decolonization of Concepts (Journal of Early Modern History: Contacts, Comparisons, Contrasts, 1. Leiden, 1997) | p. 55 |
The History of Political Thought: A Western Patient (Inaugural lecture. Dundee, 1996 (revised)) | p. 1 |
Index | p. 1 |
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