Trust the best-selling Official Cert Guide series from Cisco Press to help you learn, prepare, and practice for the Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) IT Support 100-140 exam. Well regarded for its level of detail, study plans, assessment features, and challenging review questions and exercises, Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) IT Support 100-140 Official Cert Guide helps you master the concepts and techniques that ensure your exam success and is the only self-study resource approved by Cisco. Leading Cisco technology instructors Mark Smith, David Bayne, and John Pickard provide preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. This complete study package includes A test-preparation routine proven to help you pass the examDo I Know This Already? quizzes, which allow you to decide how much time you need to spend on each sectionExam Topic lists that make referencing easyChapter-ending exercises, which help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughlyThe powerful Pearson Test Prep Practice Test software, complete with hundreds of well-reviewed, exam-realistic questions, customization options, and detailed performance reportsAn online Flash Cards application to help you drill on key terms by chapterA final preparation chapter, which guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your review and test-taking strategiesStudy plan suggestions and templates to help you organize and optimize your study time Content Update Program: This Cert Guide includes coverage of all the topics on the Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) IT Support 100-140 exam from the original exam blueprint. Visit for information on any digital updates for this book that align with Cisco exam blueprint version changes The Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) IT Support 100-140 Official Cert Guide walks you through all the exam topics found in the Cisco CCST exam. Topics covered include IT Support Job Tasks and ResponsibilitiesHardware IssuesConnectivity and Resource Access IssuesOperating System and Application IssuesCommon Threats and PreventionsJob Tools This integrated learning package: Enables you to focus on individual topic areas or take complete, timed examsIncludes direct links from each question to detailed tutorials to help you understand the concepts behind the questionsProvides unique sets of exam-realistic practice questionsTracks your performance and provides feedback on a module-by-module basis, laying out a complete assessment of your knowledge to help you focus your study where it is needed most