Classroom Management : Engaging Students in Learning - Tim McDonald

Classroom Management

Engaging Students in Learning

By: Tim McDonald

eText | 3 April 2019 | Edition Number 3

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Classroom Management: Engaging Students in Learning focuses on what teachers can do to create quality learning environments with their students.  This new edition addresses the seven Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) teacher standards which pre-service teachers need to meet.  The Positive Learning Framework (PLF) described in this text demonstrates effective instructional strategies that engage students in learning as well as developing the skills needed to positively respond to misbehaviour and de-escalate conflict. This PLF model is commonly used and easily adaptable providing pre-service teachers with a tool they can take into the classroom.NEW TO THIS EDITIONAddresses the seven AITSL teacher standardsNew content on neuroscience, trauma, and digital technologiesNew Teacher in Focus case studies explore key themes of the text including re-engaging disengaged learners, developing responsible and independent students,  teaching for impact, and connecting with studentsMargin notes highlight important concepts to help with revision and essay writing.