Clean & Lean Warrior  : Your Blueprint for a Strong, Lean Body - James Duigan

Clean & Lean Warrior

Your Blueprint for a Strong, Lean Body

By: James Duigan, Roger Gracie  (Foreword by), Maria Lally

Paperback | 1 January 2013 | Edition Number 1

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Go from soft paunch to six-pack in 14 days.

Continues James Duigan’s bestselling Clean & Lean philosophy – a body has to be clean before it can be lean – and explains how men can achieve their best-ever shape. With maximum-impact, targeted exercises illustrated with step-by-step photography, chapters cover:
  • Why sitting in an office all day is turning men into women, with ‘moobs’ (male boobs) and womanly hips.

  • How men can find their inner warrior to get fighting fit and stay strong for life.

  • Stress-busting food, tips and advice, 5-minute suppers and instant energy boosters.

Packed with motivational advice and James’s trademark ‘Bad, Better, Best’ columns, the Clean & Lean Diet For Men is guaranteed to transform your soft paunch to a six-pack.
Industry Reviews
'James has made me lean and frankly irresisitable.' Hugh Grant