Have you ever entered a room and it just didn’t feel right, yet you couldn’t explain why? Do you sense a natural comfort with some people but are immediately stressed by others? The truth is that we’re all influenced far more than we realize by the invisible energy of the people and places around us. This, along with difficult experiences in your past that still weigh you down, can keep you from being a creative force in your life.
Clearing is a gentle but powerful way to release the old stress you’re still carrying from your life history, as well as transform how you’re affected by the energy around you each day. Many people experience immediate shifts in their energy during a clearing, and significant change often unfolds in the days and weeks afterward. In fact, clearing has even been described as “accelerated meditation” because it can lead to a sense of calm and happiness that typically results only after years of a mindfulness practice.
In this simple, elegant guide, Jean Haner teaches you, in easy-to-follow steps, how to clear your own energy or that of any person, as well as bring harmony to the energy of the spaces you inhabit, so you can reclaim your vitality and joy, and open up infinite new possibilities in life. Healers, intuitives, energy workers, highly sensitive people, and anyone who just wants to optimize their energy and live their best life will find this to be the perfect training. Jean refines energy clearing to its pure essence—the power of the compassionate heart!
About the Author
Jean Haner is a natural intuitive empath, able to physically feel and work with subtle energy. Highly sensitive as a child, she easily absorbed other people’s stress and was too affected by the energy held in environments. But through 30 years of training, research, and experience, Jean transformed her sensitivity from a challenge into the power to clear and bring balance to the energy of people and places. People all over the world have discovered in Jean's workshops a community of like minds, who support each other in their commitment to a more conscious path, one that is based on the power of the compassionate heart.
Industry Reviews
"In Clear Home, Clear Heart, Jean Haner has done an excellent job of addressing the powerful effect that energy has on our lives. Her new book offers a thorough understanding of how to identify and release the negative energy that causes distress in our environment, in our relationships, and to our emotional and physical health. As someone who lives life from an energetic perspective, I started using her strategies right away and feel deeply grateful for this practical handbook!"--Cheryl Richardson, New York Times best-selling author of The Art of Extreme Self Care"Jean Haner is a brilliant intuitive who had to learn in the laboratory of her own body what she teaches here in Clear Home, Clear Heart--and you will be the beneficiary. Many more people are challenged by the energies around them than is generally recognized. This book is a gem, helping you to not only become aware of these energies but also know what to do about them. And I am so relieved that I can recommend this book to body workers and healers who often 'pick up' energy from their clients."--Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body's Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality and The Energies of Love: Keys to a Fulfilling Partnership"WOW. If you are the kind of person who 'feels' everything, then this book is a must read. I've personally worked with Jean Haner with great results, and her magnificent book is a must-have if you want to create peace, harmony, and tranquility in your physical environments and your life."--Nick Ortner, New York Times best-selling author of The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living "What an engaging, practical, down-to-earth, and user-friendly guide we have here! Jean Haner has masterfully succeeded in explaining what any person can do to clear, lighten up, and free the space we live in. I was intrigued by the real-life examples and simple yet authoritative explanations. If you are ready to clear, this manual will be your welcome friend!"--Alan Cohen, author of A Deep Breath of Life: Daily Inspiration for Heart-Centered Living"A most provocative, hands-on, and exciting entry point into understanding the emerging field of personal energy work. The future is here, we are spiritual beings, and this book will help you begin nurturing your body, mind, and soul in simple but powerfully effective ways."--Mike Dooley, New York Times best-selling author of Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams"In this well-crafted, thoughtful book, Jean Haner takes you on a journey of soul into a deeper understanding of the energies that surround us all. She then gives clear step-by-step methods for clearing and enhancing those energies. You'll see the world in a whole new way after reading this lovely book . . . and become brighter and lighter along the way!"--Denise Linn, best-selling author of Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home"So thrilled that the brilliant Jean Haner has penned this wonderful and practical book. She combines her 30 years of experience in energy work to help you create deep and effective change in your life, honoring the truth of your own unique spirit while guiding you through her energy clearing process. "She eloquently shares how clearing is a gentle but powerful way to transform how you're affected by the energy around you. Clear this energy, and you'll find you will transform as you release the old stress that has been holding you back, claim the freedom to choose your experience, and allow infinite new possibilities in life. I loved it. This book should be a 'must' on bedside tables everywhere!"--Colette Baron-Reid, author of The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life and Uncharted: The Journey Through Uncertainty to Infinite Possibility"I loved this book! With eye opening stories and easy steps, you'll learn how to release old stuck energy and the stress that has been weighing you down. Read this book to make room for all the joy and ease you've been longing for."--Jessica Ortner, New York Times best-selling author of The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence"Clear Home, Clear Heart is a revelation for sensitive people. Jean Haner's energetic clearing techniques are practical and easy to learn. Imagine transforming energetic overwhelm into a highly attuned intuitive skill that you can easily control. That's what will happen when you read this book and practice the techniques. And it's something you can use on your whole family. I love doing the Five-Element clearing on my own children and found they responded immediately. Every parent needs to know how to do Five-Element clearing!--Robin Ray Green, L.Ac., MTCM, author of Heal Your Child from the Inside Out: The 5-Element Way to Nurturing Healthy, Happy Kids"Jean Haner has been helping people to find their freedom for 30 years. Freedom from sadness . . . Freedom from a lack of motivation . . . Freedom from the 'stuck energy' that kept them from living the life they truly wanted to live. By mastering the magic of moving energy--using her own special mix of ancient spiritual practices--Jean has helped people to find clarity and a joyful heart in all areas of their lives! Now in her groundbreaking new book, Clear Home Clear Heart, Jean has given you the tools you need to set yourself free! This book is basically a field guide on how to make your life literally shimmer with a radiant light! Whether you're seeking changes in career, romance, or health--or just want to have your whole life feel better--this book outlines everything you could possibly need to know in order to emancipate yourself from the negative energy that holds you back."--Radleigh Valentine, best-selling co-author of Angel Tarot Cards, Fairy Tarot Cards, and The Big Book of Angel Tarot"We all desire excellent health and happy homes, and most of us put regular effort into creating both. But sometimes we fall short of our goals for no apparent reason. Why isn't the diet working? Why do we always fight in the same room? Why do we repeat the same pattern again and again? In her new book, Clear Home, Clear Heart, Jean Haner explains that stuck energy could be the culprit and offers easy ways to address it using the ancient Chinese Five Elements. Engaging and to the point, I strongly recommend this book as a must-read for anyone interested in improving their health, environment, and life in general."--Vicki Matthews, author/blogger at Ask Vicki: Relationship Remedies Using the Five Elements"Jean Haner has a rare gift of linking the practical and the sacred. She opens up a world and guides us effortlessly through it. The information in Clear Home, Clear Heart is inspiring, empowering and accessible; the techniques are life changing."--Virginia Bell, author of Midlife Is Not a Crisis: Using Astrology to Thrive in the Second Half of Life"Jean Haner's book was refreshing in that up until now I've always considered clearing to be something that was done for me rather than by me. I didn't consider that I could learn this process and put it to use for myself and others. "Of particular interest to me is the connection Jean made to mindfulness and that one can learn to clear and immediately let go of the emotions or feelings that come up. I've recommended Jean's book to a friend who is extremely sensitive to other people's energy; it will be a wonderful tool in the development of her ability to cope with particularly toxic people as well as the day-to-day situations she finds herself in."--Susan Opeka, founder and CEO of The Present Moment, Inc. InClear Home, Clear Heart, Jean Hanerhas done an excellent job of addressing the powerful effect that energy has on our lives. Her new book offers a thorough understanding of how to identify and release the negative energy that causes distress in our environment, in our relationships, and to our emotional and physical health. As someone who lives life from an energetic perspective, I started using her strategies right away and feel deeply grateful for this practical handbook! Cheryl Richardson, New York Timesbest-sellingauthor ofThe Art of Extreme Self Care Jean Haneris a brilliant intuitive who had to learn in the laboratory of her own body what she teaches here inClear Home, Clear Heart and you will be the beneficiary. Many more people are challenged by the energies around them than is generally recognized. This book is a gem, helping you to not only become aware of these energies but also know what to do about them. And I am so relieved that I can recommend this book to body workers and healers who often pick up energy from their clients. Donna Eden, author ofEnergy Medicine: Balancing Your Body's Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and VitalityandThe Energies of Love: Keys to a Fulfilling Partnership WOW. If you are the kind of person who feels everything, then this book is a must read. I ve personally worked withJean Hanerwith great results, and her magnificent book is a must-have if you want to create peace, harmony, and tranquility in your physical environments and your life. Nick Ortner, New York Timesbest-selling author ofThe Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living What an engaging, practical, down-to-earth, and user-friendly guide we have here!Jean Hanerhas masterfully succeeded in explaining what any person can do to clear, lighten up, and free the space we live in. I was intrigued by the real-life examples and simple yet authoritative explanations. If you are ready to clear, this manual will be your welcome friend! Alan Cohen, author ofA Deep Breath of Life: Daily Inspiration for Heart-Centered Living A most provocative, hands-on, and exciting entry point into understanding the emerging field of personal energy work. The future is here, we are spiritual beings, and this book will help you begin nurturing your body, mind, and soul in simple but powerfully effective ways. Mike Dooley, New York Timesbest-selling author ofInfinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams In this well-crafted, thoughtful book, Jean Hanertakes you on a journey of soul into a deeper understanding of the energies that surround us all. She then gives clear step-by-step methods for clearing and enhancing those energies. You ll see the world in a whole new way after reading this lovely book . . . and become brighter and lighter along the way! Denise Linn, best-selling author ofSacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home So thrilled that the brilliantJean Hanerhas penned this wonderful and practical book. She combines her 30 years of experience in energy work to help you create deep and effective change in your life, honoring the truth of your own unique spirit while guiding you through her energy clearing process. She eloquently shares how clearing is a gentle but powerful way to transform how you re affected by the energy around you. Clear this energy, and you ll find you will transform as you release the old stress that has been holding you back, claim the freedom to choose your experience, and allow infinite new possibilities in life. I loved it. This book should be a must on bedside tables everywhere! Colette Baron-Reid, author ofThe Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your LifeandUncharted: The Journey Through Uncertainty to Infinite Possibility I loved this book! With eye opening stories and easy steps, you ll learn how to release old stuck energy and the stress that has been weighing you down. Read this book to make room for all the joy and ease you ve been longing for. Jessica Ortner, New York Timesbest-selling author ofThe Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence Clear Home, Clear Heartis a revelation for sensitive people.Jean Haner s energetic clearing techniques are practical and easy to learn. Imagine transforming energetic overwhelm into a highly attuned intuitive skill that you can easily control. That s what will happen when you read this book and practice the techniques. And it s something you can use on your whole family. I love doing the Five-Element clearing on my own children and found they responded immediately. Every parent needs to know how to do Five-Element clearing! Robin Ray Green, L.Ac., MTCM, author ofHeal Your Child from the Inside Out: The 5-Element Way to Nurturing Healthy, Happy Kids Jean Hanerhas been helping people to find their freedom for 30 years. Freedom from sadness . . . Freedom from a lack of motivation . . . Freedom from the stuck energy that kept them from living the life they truly wanted to live. By mastering the magic of moving energy using her own special mix of ancient spiritual practices Jean has helped people to find clarity and a joyful heart in all areas of their lives! Now in her groundbreaking new book, Clear Home Clear Heart, Jean has given you the tools you need to set yourself free! This book is basically a field guide on how to make your life literally shimmer with a radiant light! Whether you re seeking changes in career, romance, or health or just want to have your whole life feel better this book outlines everything you could possibly need to know in order to emancipate yourself from the negative energy that holds you back. Radleigh Valentine, best-selling co-author ofAngel Tarot Cards, Fairy TarotCards, andThe Big Book of Angel Tarot We all desire excellent health and happy homes, and most of us put regular effort into creating both. But sometimes we fall short of our goals for no apparent reason. Why isn t the diet working? Why do we always fight in the same room? Why do we repeat the same pattern again and again? In her new book, Clear Home, Clear Heart, Jean Hanerexplains that stuck energy could be the culprit and offers easy ways to address it using the ancient Chinese Five Elements. Engaging and to the point, I strongly recommend this book as a must-read for anyone interested in improving their health, environment, and life in general. Vicki Matthews, author/blogger at Ask Vicki: Relationship Remedies Using the Five Elements Jean Hanerhas a rare gift of linking the practical and the sacred. She opens up a world and guides us effortlessly through it. The information inClear Home, Clear Heartis inspiring, empowering and accessible; the techniques are life changing. Virginia Bell, author ofMidlife Is Not a Crisis: Using Astrology to Thrive in the Second Half of Life Jean Haner s book was refreshing in that up until now I ve always considered clearing to be something that was doneforme rather thanbyme. I didn t consider that I could learn this process and put it to use for myself and others. Of particular interest to me is the connection Jean made to mindfulness and that one can learn to clear and immediately let go of the emotions or feelings that come up. I ve recommended Jean s book to a friend who is extremely sensitive to other people s energy; it will be a wonderful tool in the development of her ability to cope with particularly toxic people as well as the day-to-day situations she finds herself in. Susan Opeka, founder and CEO of The Present Moment, Inc." Jean Haner is a brilliant intuitive who had to learn in the laboratory of her own body what she teaches here in Clear Home, Clear Heart and you will be the beneficiary. Many more people are challenged by the energies around them than is generally recognized. This book is a gem, helping you to not only become aware of these energies but also know what to do about them. And I am so relieved that I can recommend this book to body workers and healers who often pick up energy from their clients. Donna Eden, author ofEnergy Medicine: Balancing Your Body's Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality and The Energies of Love: Keys to a Fulfilling Partnership WOW. If you are the kind of person who feels everything, then this book is a must read. I ve personally worked with Jean Haner with great results, and her magnificent book is a must-have if you want to create peace, harmony, and tranquility in your physical environments and your life. Nick Ortner, New York Times best-selling author of The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living What an engaging, practical, down-to-earth, and user-friendly guide we have here! Jean Haner has masterfully succeeded in explaining what any person can do to clear, lighten up, and free the space we live in. I was intrigued by the real-life examples and simple yet authoritative explanations. If you are ready to clear, this manual will be your welcome friend! Alan Cohen, author of A Deep Breath of Life: Daily Inspiration for Heart-Centered Living A most provocative, hands-on, and exciting entry point into understanding the emerging field of personal energy work. The future is here, we are spiritual beings, and this book will help you begin nurturing your body, mind, and soul in simple but powerfully effective ways. Mike Dooley, New York Times best-selling author of Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams In this well-crafted, thoughtful book, Jean Haner takes you on a journey of soul into a deeper understanding of the energies that surround us all. She then gives clear step-by-step methods for clearing and enhancing those energies. You ll see the world in a whole new way after reading this lovely book . . . and become brighter and lighter along the way! Denise Linn, best-selling author of Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home So thrilled that the brilliant Jean Haner has penned this wonderful and practical book. She combines her 30 years of experience in energy work to help you create deep and effective change in your life, honoring the truth of your own unique spirit while guiding you through her energy clearing process. She eloquently shares how clearing is a gentle but powerful way to transform how you re affected by the energy around you. Clear this energy, and you ll find you will transform as you release the old stress that has been holding you back, claim the freedom to choose your experience, and allow infinite new possibilities in life. I loved it. This book should be a must on bedside tables everywhere! Colette Baron-Reid, author of The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Lifeand Uncharted: The Journey Through Uncertainty to Infinite Possibility I loved this book! With eye opening stories and easy steps, you ll learn how to release old stuck energy and the stress that has been weighing you down. Read this book to make room for all the joy and ease you ve been longing for. Jessica Ortner, New York Times best-selling author of The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence Clear Home, Clear Heart is a revelation for sensitive people. Jean Haner s energetic clearing techniques are practical and easy to learn. Imagine transforming energetic overwhelm into a highly attuned intuitive skill that you can easily control. That s what will happen when you read this book and practice the techniques. And it s something you can use on your whole family. I love doing the Five-Element clearing on my own children and found they responded immediately. Every parent needs to know how to do Five-Element clearing! Robin Ray Green, L.Ac., MTCM, author of Heal Your Child from the Inside Out: The 5-Element Way to Nurturing Healthy, Happy Kids Jean Haner has been helping people to find their freedom for 30 years. Freedom from sadness . . . Freedom from a lack of motivation . . . Freedom from the stuck energy that kept them from living the life they truly wanted to live. By mastering the magic of moving energy using her own special mix of ancient spiritual practices Jean has helped people to find clarity and a joyful heart in all areas of their lives! Now in her groundbreaking new book, Clear Home Clear Heart, Jean has given you the tools you need to set yourself free! This book is basically a field guide on how to make your life literally shimmer with a radiant light! Whether you re seeking changes in career, romance, or health or just want to have your whole life feel better this book outlines everything you could possibly need to know in order to emancipate yourself from the negative energy that holds you back. Radleigh Valentine, best-selling co-author of Angel Tarot Cards, Fairy Tarot Cards, and The Big Book of Angel Tarot We all desire excellent health and happy homes, and most of us put regular effort into creating both. But sometimes we fall short of our goals for no apparent reason. Why isn t the diet working? Why do we always fight in the same room? Why do we repeat the same pattern again and again? In her new book, Clear Home, Clear Heart, Jean Haner explains that stuck energy could be the culprit and offers easy ways to address it using the ancient Chinese Five Elements. Engaging and to the point, I strongly recommend this book as a must-read for anyone interested in improving their health, environment, and life in general. Vicki Matthews, author/blogger at Ask Vicki: Relationship Remedies Using the Five Elements Jean Haner has a rare gift of linking the practical and the sacred. She opens up a world and guides us effortlessly through it. The information in Clear Home, Clear Heart is inspiring, empowering and accessible; the techniques are life changing. Virginia Bell, author of Midlife Is Not a Crisis: Using Astrology to Thrive in the Second Half of Life Jean Haner s book was refreshing in that up until now I ve always considered clearing to be something that was done for me rather than by me. I didn t consider that I could learn this process and put it to use for myself and others. Of particular interest to me is the connection Jean made to mindfulness and that one can learn to clear and immediately let go of the emotions or feelings that come up. I ve recommended Jean s book to a friend who is extremely sensitive to other people s energy; it will be a wonderful tool in the development of her ability to cope with particularly toxic people as well as the day-to-day situations she finds herself in. Susan Opeka, founder and CEO of The Present Moment, Inc."