Climate Psychology : A Matter of Life and Death - Paul Hoggett

Climate Psychology

A Matter of Life and Death

By: Paul Hoggett, Wendy Hollway, Chris Robertson

Paperback | 1 March 2023

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Climate Psychology offers ways to work with the unthinkable and emotionally unendurable current predicament of humanity. The style and writing interweave passion and reflection, animation and containment, radical hope and tragedy to reflect the dilemmas of our collective crisis. The authors model a relational approach in their styles of writing and in the book's structure. Four chapters, each with a strikingly original voice and insight, form the core of the book, encased either end by two jointly written chapters. In contrast to a psychology that focuses on individual behaviour change, the authors use a transdisciplinary mix of approaches (depth psychology and psychotherapy, earth systems, deep ecology, cultural sociology, critical history, group and institutional outreach) to bring into focus the predicament of this period. While the last decade required a focus on climate denial in all its manifestations (which continues in new ways), a turning point has now been reached. Increasingly extreme weather across the world is making it impossible for simple avoidance of the climate threat. Wendy Hollway, Paul Hoggett, Chris Robertson, and Sally Weintrobe address how climate psychology illuminates and engages the life and death challenges that face terrestrial life. This book will appeal to three core groups. First, mental health and social care professionals wanting support in containing and potentially transforming the malaise. Second, activists wanting to participate in new stories and practices that nurture their engagement with the present social and cultural crisis. Third, those concerned about the climate emergency, wanting to understand the deeper context for this dangerous blindness. AUTHORS: Wendy Hollway is Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. She co-founded the UK psycho-social network, has been active in the European psycho-social network, and co-edits the Palgrave "Studies in the Psychosocial" series. She edits a monthly Digest for Climate Psychology Alliance. Paul Hoggett is a psychoanalytical psychotherapist and a training therapist at the Severnside Institute for Psychotherapy. He is Emeritus Professor of Social Policy at the University of the West of England, Bristol, where he co-founded the Centre for Psycho-Social Studies. His research focused on the emotional dynamics of race, class, community, and governance. With Adrian Tait he set up the Climate Psychology Alliance in 2012. In 2019, Paul edited a collection of CPA research papers Climate Psychology: On Indifference to Disaster (Palgrave Macmillan). Chris Robertson has been a psychotherapist and trainer since 1978. He was the co-creator of Borderlands and the Wisdom of Uncertainty, which in 1989 became the subject of a BBC documentary. In 1988, he co-founded Re-Vision, an integrative and transpersonal psychotherapy training with an ecopsychology component. He retired from Re-Vision in 2018. He was chair of the Climate Psychology Alliance, with which he still works. Sally Weintrobe has spent her professional life practising as a psychoanalyst. She is a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society (BPAS), a long-standing Member of the Climate Psychology Alliance, and she chairs the International Psychoanalytical Association's Committee on Climate Change. She was formerly an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychoanalytic Studies at University College London, and a member of teaching staff at the Tavistock Clinic.
Industry Reviews

'This timely and important book comprises an investigation of the causes of the current climate crisis, common reactions to this existential threat and how therapists can help each other and their clients face reality and find a way forward. [...] I heartily recommend this engaging and well-written book'

-- Dr Els van Ooijen, psychotherapist, Therapy Today Sept 2022

'This volume is a refreshing and provocative contribution to an important area of concern. By the end of the book I was ever more convinced of the significance of climate psychology to our lives and felt that, in their different ways, the authors helped fashion both a deeper understanding of the problems and a way forward. It has encouraged me to think a great deal, to consider further my own implication in these matters, and to work harder to address these important, pressing issues. For this reason, I whole- heartedly recommend this book.'

-- Mark Stein

'To the uninitiated, the waltzing heat of recent years, the melting ice sheets of recent fears, and blusteringly rude clouds outside our pristine windows, are matters of the outside. This book, however, is not a gentle tap on the door separating that outside from the gilded interior of modern subjectivity, it is a haunting within: the urgency to consider that the inside has always been exposed. It is a transdisciplinary invitation to recognise how we Moderns are aspects of an ethical/psycho-ecological/socio-material arrangement that has helped produce the calamities we now witness. There is no neat inside any longer; we are all undone. But, you see, the undoing - the timely gift of this book - is the initiation we all need.'

-- Bayo Akomolafe, PhD, author of These Wilds Beyond our Fences: Letters to My Daughter on Humanity's Search for Home

'These four eminent British climate psychology thinkers challenge us to think creatively, beyond binaries, to reach what they name the "eco-psycho-social". This book is an engaging and important support to clinicians and to all trying to manage and think through our contemporary emergency in humane and ethical ways. We are in their debt.'

-- Donna Orange, PhD, PsyD, teacher, psychoanalyst and author of?Psychoanalysis, History, and Radical Ethics: Learning to Hear

'Individualism, human exceptionalism, modernism (and its bastard child, postmodernism): this book dares to imagine a psychology that moves decisively beyond these fatal trends. Instead, we are offered fare badly needed: a social ecopsychology, the personhood of nonhuman as well as human animals taken seriously, an unembarrassed call to feel and show our love for this world. There is nothing less than a revolution in the offing, in the discipline we used to call psychology. This book indicates a way to (re-)imagine it.'

-- Professor Rupert Read, former strategist, spokesperson for XR, and author of Parents for a Future: How Loving our Children Can Prevent Climate Collapse

'Climate psychology is an emerging and much-needed field in our struggle to make the necessary changes to our dysfunctional relationship with Earth. This book offers a diverse range of innovative thinking that pulls together threads from the eco-psycho-social fields. It challenges the reader to find new ways of seeing and understanding our current eco social crisis which will hopefully inspire new forms of action.'

-- Mary-Jayne Rust, art therapist, Jungian analyst, ecopsychotherapist and author of Towards an Ecopsychotherapy

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