Clinical Sports Nutrition : 5th edition - Louise Burke

Clinical Sports Nutrition

5th edition

By: Louise Burke, Vicki Deakin

Paperback | 18 September 2015 | Edition Number 5

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Clinical Sports Nutrition 5e is a cornerstone of the Sports Medicine series offered by McGraw-Hill Education. This complete practical and clinical reference provides the latest sports nutrition information, drawing on scientific research from around the globe.

All chapters have been substantially revised and updated with contributions from leading academics, physicians and sports dietitians in Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. In addition there are seven new commentaries:

· A molecular view of exercise
· Female athlete triad and energy availability
· Measuring energy availability
· Treating low energy availability
· Vegetarian eating
· Antioxidant supplementation and exercise
· Fluid guidelines

This respected reference work is an invaluable asset for students and instructors in the discipline of sports nutrition, and is also essential reading for elite athletes, sports professionals and trainers who need to keep their knowledge current.

About the Authors

Louise Burke has been the Head of the Department of Sports Nutrition at the Australian Institute of Sport since 1990 and has nearly 30 years' experience in ccounselingand educating athletes. In 2009 she received a Citation Award from the American College of Sports Medicine and Membership of the Order of Australia (OAM) from the Australian Government in recognition of her work in sports nutrition.

Vicki Deakin is an Associate Professor and Head of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Canberra, where she initiated the undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Nutrition and Dietetics and Sports Nutrition. Her involvement with elite athletes dates back to her initiation of the nutrition services at the Australian Institute of Sport in 1985.

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