Clinical Strategies in the Management of Diabetic Retinopathy : A step-by-step Guide for Ophthalmologists - Francesco Bandello

Clinical Strategies in the Management of Diabetic Retinopathy

A step-by-step Guide for Ophthalmologists

By: Francesco Bandello (Editor), Marco Attilio Zarbin (Editor), Rosangela Lattanzio (Editor), Ilaria Zucchiatti (Editor)

Paperback | 1 October 2016

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With the advent of effective treatments for diabetic retinopathy (DR), a new era in the management of DR has been opened up. Amid the deluge of approved treatments and promising new strategies, however, clinicians may find it difficult to choose the appropriate practice in each individual case. The purpose of this easy-to-use and richly illustrated manual is to assist ophthalmologists in making decisions in the entire management of DR based on the best available evidence. Practical and complete recommendations are provided to guide clinicians in diagnosis, decision-making, and treatment. The manual includes practical algorithms and case histories relating to all stages of DR that clearly explain the progression of the disease and will help the clinician to choose the best therapeutic approach. It will be an ideal resource for ophthalmologists aiming to provide optimal clinical management for this sight-threatening disease.
Industry Reviews
"It is a practical and informative text intended to guide the clinician in day-today decision-making. ... This book is intended for ophthalmology residents, medical and surgical retina fellows, and general ophthalmologists who treat DR and DME." (EuroTimes, March, 2017)

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