Coachable : 9 Essential Elements of Basketball, Excellence and a Strong Faith - Colin T. Stevens


9 Essential Elements of Basketball, Excellence and a Strong Faith

By: Colin T. Stevens

Paperback | 17 April 2019

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Something we appreciate most about sports are the lessons that we learn in competition that can be applied to everyday life. In Coachable, Colin makes several parallels between basketball and life, not just any part of life but the deepest most foundational part of life--the spiritual part.

In this book the reader will gain understanding of the game of basketball and how leaders and coaches impact their teams and their organizations. Fundamental principles like teamwork, defense, and leadership will be unpacked and discussed on how the best coaches and teams operate and why they are so good.

We all have people who we learn from. People who have coached us and taught us in more than just basketball. The people we learn from and follow are the people who shape us into the coach, parent, friend, colleague, and person that we become. There is no greater coach that we can learn from than God himself. He created us, he knows us, and he knows how we can grow and develop into what he has called us to be . . . people who love him and want to impact this world for the better.

So dive in to the thoughts and secrets of some of the best in the game. Then open your heart and your mind to the idea that just as you want to develop players and create a fantastic team and organization, God wants to develop you into a major contributor on his team.

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