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Colonial and Postcolonial Literature : Migrant Metaphors - Elleke Boehmer

Colonial and Postcolonial Literature

Migrant Metaphors

By: Elleke Boehmer

Paperback | 1 September 2005 | Edition Number 2

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Colonial and Postcolonial Literature is the leading critical overview of and historical introduction to colonial and postcolonial literary studies. Highly praised from the time of its first publication for its lucidity, breadth, and insight, the book has itself played a crucial part in founding and shaping this rapidly expanding field. The author, an internationally renowned postcolonial critic, provides a broad contextualizing narrative about the evolution of colonial and postcolonial writing in English. Illuminating close readings of texts by a wide variety of writers--from Kipling and Conrad through to Kincaid, from Ngugi to Noonuccal and Naipaul--explicate key theoretical terms such as "subaltern," "colonial resistance," "writing back," and "hybridity." This revised edition includes new critiques of postcolonial women's writing, an expanded and fully annotated bibliography, and a new chapter and conclusion on postcolonialism exploring keynote debates in the field relating to sexuality, transnationalism, and local resistance.
Industry Reviews
`Review from previous edition I imagine the book will continue to be an important resource for many years.' Durrant `One of the best introductions to colonialism and literature I have ever read...I urge Oxford University Press to produce a second edition of Colonial and Postcolonial Literature....As a literary history of postcolonialism, it has no equal.' Zwicker `A well-organized, accessible, and tightly-constructed text that reads very well and gives one both coverage and a sense of historical depth.' Ghosh

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