Notation | |
Introduction and Sperner's theorem | |
A simple intersection result | |
Sperner's theorem | |
A theorem of Bollob_s | |
Exercises 1 | |
Normalized matchings and rank numbers | |
Sperner's proof | |
Systems of distinct representatives | |
LYM inequalities and the normalized matching property | |
Rank numbers: some examples | |
Exercises 2 | |
Symmetric chains | |
Symmetric chain decompositions | |
Dilworth's theorem | |
Symmetric chains for sets | |
Applications | |
Nested Chains | |
Posets with symmetric chain decompositions | |
Exercises 3 | |
Rank numbers for multisets | |
Unimodality and log concavity | |
The normalized matching property | |
The largest size of a rank number | |
Exercises 4 | |
Intersecting systems and the Erdws-Ko-Rado theorem | |
The EKR theorem | |
Generalizations of EKR | |
Intersecting antichains with large members | |
A probability application of EKR | |
Theorems of Milner and Katona | |
Some results related to the EKR theorem | |
Exercises 5 | |
Ideals and a lemma of Kleitman | |
Kleitman's lemma | |
The Ahlswede-Daykin inequality | |
Applications of the FKG inequality to probability theory | |
Chv_tal's conjecture | |
| |
The Kruskal-Katona theorem | |
Order relations on subsets | |
The l-binomial representation of a number | |
The Kruskal-Katona theorem | |
Some easy consequences of Kruskal-Katona | |
Compression | |
Exercises 7 | |
Antichains | |
Squashed antichains | |
Using squashed antichains | |
Parameters of intersecting antichains | |
Exercises 8 | |
The generalized Macaulay theorem for multisets | |
The theorem of Clements and Lindstrwm | |
Some corollaries | |
A minimization problem in coding theory | |
Uniqueness of a maximum-sized antichains in multisets | |
Exercises 9 | |
Theorems for multisets | |
Intersecting families | |
Antichains in multisets | |
Intersecting antichains | |
Exercises 10 | |
The Littlewood-Offord problem | |
Early results | |
M-part Sperner theorems | |
Littlewood-Offord results | |
Exercises 11 | |
Miscellaneous methods | |
The duality theorem of linear programming | |
Graph-theoretic methods | |
Using network flow | |
Exercises 12 | |
Lattices of antichains and saturated chain partitions | |
Antichains | |
Maximum-sized antichains | |
Saturated chain partitions | |
The lattice of k-unions | |
Exercises 13 | |
Hints and solutions | |
References | |
Index | |
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