Communication : A Critical/Cultural Introduction - John T. Warren


A Critical/Cultural Introduction

By: John T. Warren, Deanna L. Fassett

eBook | 13 May 2014 | Edition Number 2

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This exciting text for the hybrid course introduces communication theory, interpersonal communication, and public communication and culture through the lens of contemporary critical theory. The book focuses on public advocacy as a more meaningful way to approach public speaking through coverage of topics and issues that students are most passionate about. By situating communication concepts and theories within contemporary and engaging cultural scenes, the book is much more than a survey of ideas—it demonstrates the power of communication in our everyday lives.

Industry Reviews
“I believe students will relate extremely well to the writing. The fact that the authors offer up their stories gives this textbook a unique and welcomed quality that sets it above others. The text is accessible without being elementary, and the content is important and timely. I’ve been looking for a book that addresses the nuances of culture and takes a critical approach to communication, and I believe I’ve found it!”