Composting : A Complete Guide to Composting and Creating Your Own Compost - Louise Harvey


A Complete Guide to Composting and Creating Your Own Compost

By: Louise Harvey

Booklet | 15 April 2015

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Composting - The Complete Guide To Composting and Creating Your Own Compost

Would you like to know more about Composting and how to create you own?When I first started to take my gardening seriously I was not worried about producing my own compost. I thought it was easier to go to my local nursery and buy some. As my garden grew however, I began to see the value in making compost, not only saving money but also ensuring that my soil was in the best condition possible.Composting is a completely natural process in which organic material is left to decay over a period of time. This organic material, which can include garden waste, manure or kitchen scraps, becomes a dark substance, often called humus or "black gold". In nature, this process happens naturally over a period of time, but with certain techniques it can be speeded up for use in home gardens. The aim of this book is to help you determine which Composting strategies will work best for you, and if you follow the steps I've outlined you should be producing excellent "black gold" in no time!

Here's a Preview of what's inside

  • Introduction to Composting
  • Why Compost?
  • How Compost is Formed
  • Optimal Conditions for a Compost Pile
  • Composting Equipment and Tools
  • Building your Compost Pile
  • Containers for Composting
  • Common Composting Mistakes
  • Composting Resources
  • and much more!
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