Computational Diffusion MRI : MICCAI Workshop, Athens, Greece, October 2016 - Andrea Fuster

Computational Diffusion MRI

MICCAI Workshop, Athens, Greece, October 2016

By: Andrea Fuster (Editor), Aurobrata Ghosh (Editor), Enrico Kaden (Editor), Yogesh Rathi (Editor), Marco Reisert (Editor)

Hardcover | 13 May 2017

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The MR Physics of Advanced Diffusion Imaging: Matt Hall.- Noise Floor Removal via Phase Correction of Complex Diffusion-Weighted Images: Influence on DTI and q-Space Metrics: M. Pizzolato et al.- Regularized Dictionary Learning with Robust Sparsity Fitting for Compressed Sensing Multishell HARDI: K. Gupta et al.- Denoising Diffusion-Weighted Images Using Grouped Iterative Hard Thresholding of Multi-Channel Framelets: Jian Zhang et al.- Diffusion MRI Signal Augmentation - From Single Shell to Multi Shell with Deep Learning: S. Koppers et al.- Multi-Spherical Diffusion MRI: Exploring Diffusion Time Using Signal Sparsity: R.H.J. Fick et al.- Sensitivity of OGSE ActiveAx to Microstructural Dimensions on a Clinical Scanner: L.S. Kakkar et al.- Groupwise Structural Parcellation of the Cortex: A Sound Approach Based on Logistic Models: G. Gallardo et al.- Robust Construction of Diffusion MRI Atlases with Correction for Inter-Subject Fiber Dispersion: Z. Yang et al.- Parcellation of Human Amygdala Subfields Using Orientation Distribution Function and Spectral K-means Clustering: Q. Wen et al.- Sparse Representation for White Matter Fiber Compression and Calculation of Inter-Fiber Similarity: G. Zimmerman Moreno et al.- An Unsupervised Group Average Cortical Parcellation using Diffusion MRI to Probe Cytoarchitecture: T. Ganepola et al.- Using multiple Diffusion MRI Measures to Predict Alzheimer's Disease with a TV-L1 Prior: J.E. Villalon-Reina et al.- Accurate Diagnosis of SWEDD vs. Parkinson Using Microstructural Changes of Cingulum Bundle: Track-Specific Analysis: F. Rahmani et al.- Colocalization of Functional Activity and Neurite Density within Cortical Areas: A. Teillac et al.- Comparison of Biomarkers in Transgenic Alzheimer Rats Using Multi-shell Diffusion MRI: R.H.J. Fick.- Working Memory Function in Recent-onset Schizophrenia Patients Associated with White Matter Microstructure: Connectometry Approach: M. Dolatshahi et al.

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