Acknowledgments | p. ix |
Foreword | p. xi |
Introduction | p. 1 |
Organization of This Book | |
A Note to Therapists | |
Understanding Your Critical Inner Voice | |
Becoming Familiar with Your Critical Inner Voice | p. 9 |
How Your Critical Inner Voice Controls Your Actions | |
Being for Yourself or against Yourself | |
How Did You Develop a Critical Inner Voice? | |
Your Defenses | |
The Real You and Your Critical Inner Voice | |
How the Critical Inner Voice Disrupts Your Everyday Life | |
Challenging the Critical Inner Voice by Taking Action | |
How Your Critical Inner Voice Creates Shame, Guilt, and Low Self-Esteem | p. 33 |
Identify When You Are Feeling Shame or Guilt | |
The Defenses on Which Guilt, Shame, and Low Self-Esteem Are Based | |
Critical Inner Voices Underlying Neurotic Guilt | |
Critical Inner Voices Underlying Existential Guilt | |
Combating Guilt, Shame, and Low Self-Esteem | |
Challenging The Critical Inner Voice | |
How the Critical Inner Voice Interferes with Your Career | p. 57 |
How Your Defenses Limit You in Your Career | |
Identify and Overcome Voices That Interfere with Your Creativity | |
How the Critical Inner Voice Influences Your Relationship | p. 75 |
How the Critical Inner Voice Interferes with Intimacy | |
How the Fantasy Bond Works in Relationships | |
How the Critical Inner Voice and the Fantasy Bond Work Together to Destroy Relationships | |
Signs of a Fantasy Bond in Your Relationship | |
Playing the Parent/Playing the Child | |
How We Defend Ourselves against Love | |
Three Defenses | |
Suggestions for Disrupting the Fantasy Bond | |
How the Critical Inner Voice Intrudes on Your Sexual Relationship | p. 97 |
Two Views of Sex | |
How Our Attitudes Toward Sex Are Influenced by Parents, Peers, and Society | |
Attitudes toward Our Bodies | |
Attitudes about Masturbation and Sex Play | |
Society's Attitudes about Sexuality | |
Voices During Sex | |
How Do You Relate Sexually? Two Kinds of Sex | |
How the Critical Inner Voice Seduces You into Addictive Behaviors | p. 117 |
How Addictive Behaviors Affect You | |
How Do We Come to Develop Addictions? | |
How the Critical Inner Voice Encourages Addictive Behaviors | |
Eating Disorders, Drug Abuse, and Alcoholism | |
How Compulsive Activities Can Become Addictive | |
Guidelines for Challenging Addictive Behaviors | |
How Listening to Your Critical Inner Voice Can Make You Feel Down and Depressed | p. 135 |
Have You Ever Been Depressed? | |
How Do You Usually React to Negative Events in Your Life? | |
What Does It Feel Like to Be Depressed? | |
The Continuum of Self-Destructive Behaviors and Critical Inner Voices | |
Combating Critical Inner Voices That Lead to Depression | |
Steps for Challenging Depression | |
How to Select a Therapist | p. 163 |
Factors to Consider in Making Your Choice | |
Personal Qualities of the Therapist That Are Conducive to Good Therapy | |
The Therapeutic Relationship | |
Guidelines for Living the "Good Life" | |
For Parents: Guidelines for Optimal Child Development | p. 171 |
Repeating Our Parents' Behaviors | |
Guilt about Not Always Feeling Love | |
Guidelines for Child Rearing | |
Living Free of Imagined Limitations--The "Good Life" | p. 187 |
What Does "Living the Good Life" Mean to You? | |
Guidelines for Continued Personal Development | |
Guidelines for Continued Personal Development in Your Relationship | |
Guidelines for Further Developing a Meaningful Life | |
Bibliography: Glendon Association Video Productions | p. 201 |
Suggested Reading | p. 207 |
References | p. 215 |
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved. |