Constitutions of Matter : Mathematically Modeling the Most Everyday of Physical Phenomena - Martin H. Krieger

Constitutions of Matter

Mathematically Modeling the Most Everyday of Physical Phenomena

By: Martin H. Krieger

Paperback | 28 April 1998 | Edition Number 1

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In this insightful work, Martin H. Krieger shows what physicists are really doing when they employ mathematical models as research tools. He argues that the technical details of these complex calculations serve not only as a means to an end, but also reveal key aspects of the physical properties they model.
Krieger's lucid discussions will help readers to appreciate the larger physical issues behind the mathematical detail of modern physics and gain deeper insights into how theoretical physicists work. "Constitutions of Matter" is a rare, behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of modern physics.
" Krieger] provides students of physics and applied mathematics with a view of the physical forest behind the mathematical trees, historians and philosophers of science with insights into how theoretical physicists go about their work, and technically advanced general readers with a glimpse into the discipline."--"Scitech Book News"

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