Corrective Reading Ravenscourt Decoding Level B1, Teacher Guide : CORRECTIVE READING DECODING SERIES - McGraw Hill

Corrective Reading Ravenscourt Decoding Level B1, Teacher Guide

By: McGraw Hill

Paperback | 15 March 2007 | Edition Number 1

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Ravenscourt Books are age-appropriate fiction and nonfiction books that encourage students to read independently.

  • Ravenscourt Books include eight sets of books, plus materials to help you improve the fluency and comprehension of struggling readers.
  • Easy-to-use Teacher's Guides contain word lists and vocabulary for each story making it easy to pre-teach difficult words and specialized vocabulary.
  • End-of-chapter quizzes assess key story concepts and offer activities promoting writing and literary analysis.
  • Audio CDs assist students in improving oral-reading fluency by modeling phrasing, intonation, and expression as they read.
  • Evaluation and Tracking software provides automatic monitoring and recording progress while giving students immediate feedback.

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