Cosmopolitanism and the Legacies of Dissent : Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought - Camil Alexandru Parvu
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Cosmopolitanism and the Legacies of Dissent

By: Camil Alexandru Parvu (Editor), Tamara Caraus (Editor)

Paperback | 14 October 2024

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The core idea shared by all cosmopolitan views is that all human beings belong to a single community and the ultimate units of moral concern are individual human beings, not states or particular forms of human associations. Nevertheless, the attempts to ground a political theory on overarching universal principles is in contradiction with the plurality of social, cultural, political, religious interpretative standpoints in the contemporary world. Is dissent cosmopolitan? Is there a legacy of dissent for a theory of cosmopolitanism?

This book is a comparative, historical analysis of dissident thought and practice for contemporary debates on cosmopolitanism. Divided into two parts, the editors and contributors explore the contribution of âparadigmaticâ dissidents like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Havel, Sakharov, Mandela, Liu Xiaobo, Aung San Suu Kyi towards a post-universalist cosmopolitan theory. Part Two examines the inherent cosmopolitanism of the seemingly âperipheralâ dissent of contemporary forms of protests, resistance, direct action like NO TAV movement and Occupy Wall Street.

A timely book which allows for a much needed new engagement in contemporary debates of cosmopolitanism, we learn how practical resistance to totalizing/hegemonic claims is generated, and how dissident thinking might contribute to new, enriched ways of conceiving the non-totalizing foundations of cosmopolitanism. An innovative look at what lessons can scholars of cosmopolitanism learn from dissent/dissident movements, and what the role of dissent in cosmopolitan democracy could be.

Industry Reviews

"A fascinating narrative of resistance and imagination. From a plurality of voices the authors provide a powerful message for new political hopes".

- Daniele Archibugi, Professor of Innovation, Governance and Public Policy, Birkbeck College, University of London, and a Research Director at the Italian National Research Council in Rome.

"This important new book opens up new and richer dimensions for cosmopolitan thought. Instead of being merely universalist, this book shows that cosmopolitan thought is richer and more diverse. Cosmopolitanism thus must instead be contestatory, global, and universalist at the same time".

-James Bohman, Saint Louis University.

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