We stand at the threshold of a revolutionary and empowering new vision of the world.
The discoveries of leading-edge science and the insights of spirituality are converging to reveal that the CosMos and all that we term reality is wholly integrated, and that at its most fundamental level, it is a field of information. This is the elemental cosmic mind from which everything emanates, is manifested, and to which all ultimately returns. Research is also demonstrating what the mystics of all traditions have discerned: that we have the innate ability to envision, understand, and experience the CosMos at levels far beyond the limitations of our human persona.
CosMos is co-authored by two explorers who combine almost a century of seeking to understand not only how the world is as it is, but why. Philosopher Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D., and healer and scientist Jude Currivan, Ph.D., offer a revisioned view of the world that is no longer fragmented, but is at last, whole. Theirs is a perception of a meaningful and co-creative world that is exquisitely tuned to be “as simple as it can be” for consciousness to explore itself. In these momentous times, the vision shared in Cosmos invites us to open our hearts and minds to re-member who we really are and to take our places as conscious co-creators of our realities and of our evolving cosmic destiny.
About the Author
Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D., holder of the highest degree of the Sorbonne (the State Doctorate), is the recipient of four honorary Ph.D.’s and numerous awards and distinctions, including the 2001 Goi Peace Award (the Japanese Peace Prize) and the 2005 Mandir Peace Prize. He has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. A former professor of philosophy, systems theory, and futures studies in the U.S., Europe, and the Far East, he is founder and president of an international think tank (the Club of Budapest), as well as the General Evolution Research Group. He is the author or editor of more than 80 books, of which the latest are Science and the Akashic Field, The Chaos Point, and Quantum Shift in the Global Brain.
Dr. Jude Currivan, Ph.D. is an internationally well-known sensitive, scientist, healer and cosmic geomancer, who has directly experienced multi-dimensional realities and guidance from an early age. Based near Avebury, England for the last ten years, Jude has researched ancient wisdom, consciousness and metaphysics since early childhood, holds a Ph.D. in Archaeology researching ancient cosmologies and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University, specializing in cosmology and quantum physics. During a highly successful business career, from which she gained a global perspective, Jude also obtained extensive experience in merging her intuitive gifts into a practical grounded approach for managing individual and collective organizational and cultural change.