Part 1. New Approaches in Counteraction to Chemical and Biological Terrorism.- 1. Aspects of a National Defense against Chemical and Biological Terrorism; Moore D. H.- 2. International Legal System on Combating CBRN-Terrorism; Matousek J.- 3. Counteraction to CBRN Terrorism in Switzerland; Kenzelmann M., Storch D.- 4. Basic Ways of Prevention of Chemical and Biological Terrorism on the Territory of Ukraine; Shmatkov G. et al.- 5. Preparedness against Chemical and Biological Terrorism in Turkey and Civilian-Army Collaboration; Yaren H. et al.- 6. Lead Contamination as a Factor of Environmental Terrorism: North American and European Perspective; Omelchenko A.7. The Czech National Action Plan to Combat Terrorism: Political and Legal Point of Outcome in Responding to CBRN-Terrorism; Matousek J.- 8. Military, Technical and Defence-Security Standards on Industrial Facilities Protection in Case of Terrorism and Military Attack; Orehovec Z. 9. Crisis Management in Bioterrorism Attack. Medical Approach; Paul F., Paul M. 10. Evidence of Bio-Terrorism as form and Method of Warfare; Orehovec Z., Stipetic D. 11. Ukrainian Corruption and Non-ruled Market Economy as Sources of Chemical and Biological Terrorism; Zadorsky W.- Part 2. Medical Treatment and Decontamination with Chemical and Biological Agents.- 12. Analytical Methods to Characterize the Composition of Surface Lipids Of Helophytes Exposed to Contaminated Water; Macherius A. et al.- 13. Influence of Contaminant Stress on the Surface Lipids Compositionof Some Helophytes; Shtemenko N. et al.- 14. The Plant Cuticle: a Complex Lipid Barrier between the Plant and the Environment. An Overview; Heredia A., Domiguez E.- 15. New Approaches to Treatment of Poisoning by Soman; Tonkopii V.- 16. Bioterrorism -- Risk and Threat: the Misuse of Science; Ristanovic E.- 17. New Methods to Detect Sulfur Mustard (SM) and SM-Induced Skin Damage; Kehe K. et al.- 18. Infections Diseases in the Context of Terrorist Threat; Andreychyn M., Kopcha V.- 19. Disposal and Destruction Processes of Ammunition, Missiless and Explosives, which Constitute Danger when Storing; Shyman L., Ustimenko Y.- Part 3. Diagnosis of Exposure to Chemical and Biological Agents.- 20. Biomarkers of Nerve Agents Exposure; Dishovsky Ch. et al.- 21. The Dietary Grape Polyphenol Concentrate "ENOANT" Enables Protection against Biological Agents; Zagorouiko V. et al.- 22. Blood Esterases as a Complex Biomarker for Exposure to Organophosphorus Compounds; Makhaeva G. et al.- 23. Diagnosis of Exposure to Chemical Warfare Agents: an Essential Tool to Counteract Chemical Terrorism; Noort D. et al.- 24. Assessing Chronic Exposure to Anticholinesterase Pesticides by Hair Analysis; Tsatsakis A. et al.- 25. Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii: a Major Threat Worldwide; Savov E. et al.- 26. Multi-Strips Assay and Multimodal Biosensors for Environmental and Medical Monitoring of Neurotoxins; Kurochkin I. et al.- Part 4. Development of the Conrol on Protection against Chemical and Biological Agents.- 27. Development of Measures on Prevention and Liquidation of Bioterrorist Phenomena in Ukraine; Marievsky V., Doan S.- 28. Accelerated Analysis for Environment Control on Protection against Biological Agents; Nesterenko V.- 29. Counteraction to Chemical and Biological Terrorism in the Republic of Moldova. Problems and Perspectives; Mutaf V.- 30. Strategies of Preparedness Response to Biological Warfare and Bioterrorism Threats; Paul F.- 31. Antitoxic Action of A. viridans on Exotoxin, Produced by S. Aureus; Kremenchutsky G. et al.- 32. Crops Pests Negative Risk Assessment in the Steppe Zone of Ukraine; Kharitonov M., Dudka Y.- 33. Potash Branch in Ukraine as a Possible Object of Terrorism; Grin G., Semenov E.- 34. Water Antiseptic Preparations for Decontamination of Pathogenic Microorganisms; Pivovarov A. et al.- 35. Theoretical Investigation as Instrument of Irediction of Effect of Chemical Terrorism; Gryn G., Kozub P.- 36. Museum-Depository of Pathogenic Microorganisms in the System of Ensuring Bio-Safety; Marievsky V. et al.- 37. Usage of Portable Thermo-Spray Device for Treatment of Wounds Contaminated by Microbes; Khudetskiy I. et al.- 38. Estimation of the Role of Anthropo-Zoonosis Invasion Agents in the Counteraction to Bioterrorism; Boyko A. et al.- Author Index.- Subject Index.