Crashing Into Potential : Living with my injured brain - Scott B Harris

Crashing Into Potential

Living with my injured brain

By: Scott B Harris

Paperback | 1 April 2018

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At 23, Scott Harris had a dream job, great friends and a passion for the outdoors.

Then one sunny day in November 2008, everything came to a crashing halt: his 450cc dirt bike slammed into his buddy's in a head-on collision that nearly killed them both. Fifteen days in an induced coma, a complete facial reconstruction and countless surgeries were followed by years of intensive rehabilitation. With exhausting mental and physical effort, Scott learned how to walk, talk and think again. He could have given up - with only one working arm and a severe brain injury, every day was a challenge. Instead, with the help of an amazing medical team, Scott pushed himself to the limit, setting goals and developing the will to achieve them.

In time Scott set his ultimate goal: to travel solo around the world. By snowboarding in Canada, backpacking in Europe, sailing down the Nile, and island-hopping in Greece - where he met the love of his life, Jasmine - Scott regained his independence and built a new and fulfilling life.

Crashing Into Potential is the incredible story of coming to terms with acquired physical disabilities, living with an injured brain, and the unfailing determination to never give up.

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