Creating Academic Momentum : Realizing the Promise of Performance-Based Education - Michael K. Raible

Creating Academic Momentum

Realizing the Promise of Performance-Based Education

By: Michael K. Raible

Paperback | 10 May 2016

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It is never easy to begin an innovative practice in any educational organization. The inertia of the existing culture can often be overwhelming. Michael K. Raible provides insights into how to create an environment in which performance-based innovations can flourish. Many schools and whole districts that have created their own models of student-driven performance-based education have demonstrated remarkable success. Creating Academic Momentum contains insights and advice to anyone trying to change and improve their traditional program delivery. You will want to read this book with a highlighter and pen!
Industry Reviews
These ideas totally make sense to me. As a second career teacher with a degree in theater, my classroom practices have been less traditional and more student-centered. I have always thought that education should be this way and I highly recommend this book. -- Ashli Calvert, Theatre Arts Educator, Charlotte, North Carolina
Inspired by and based on one of the extraordinary pioneers in the learner-centered field of education, Taylor County Kentucky, this easy-to-read book breaks down the conditions and mindsets necessary to transform any district into one where every child can thrive through performance-based systems. A great book for anyone who is ready to say "We can" for kids. -- Kelly Young, Education Reimagined
In our fast-paced, digital revolution world, leaders are moving at record speeds. This book invites the reader to reflect upon complex issues related to change and be thoughtful in charting a path for intentional transformation. It brings empowerment of the individual to make meaningful and lasting change into focus and examines strategies with specificity, insight and creativity. A worthy read! -- Valerie Truesdale, PhD, Chief Technology, Personalized Learning, and Engagement Officer, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, North Carolina
Mike Raible's advice about changing the educational paradigm is spot on. This book is filled with examples and common sense suggestions that come from his experiences and keen observations. Anyone interested in improving the quality of their educational environment needs to take some ideas from this book. -- Yovel Badash, author and founder of "No Child Held Back", Brooklyn, New York
The annual onslaught of new and expensive pilot programs for improving education is not only wasteful, but demoralizing. It's time to implement a no-nonsense program that has proven to be both effective and efficient. Mike Raible has described the conditions in which a student-driven performance-based system will flourish. The commonsense observations and ideas in this book should be shared with any educator who is intent upon making a difference. -- Denise Yvette Cavoly, EdD, Education Consultant

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