Fern Tiger's concept of creative instigation opens doors for effective community engagement
that honors the voices of those often omitted from public policy conversations. Through case
studies, she provides principles and lessons while simultaneously recognizing the importance of
specific contexts.
"-- "Theresa Cordova, Director Great Cities Institute, University of Illinois Chicago"
Reading this book is like sitting at the campfire of a long-time leader and listening to the stories
she has to tell. Fern Tiger is a master of how behind-the-scenes leadership can successfully
involve communities in key public policy matters, often finding an unexpected way to bring wins
to more than one side.
"-- "Jan Masaoka, California Association of Nonprofits"
The insights offered by Fern Tiger in Creative Instigation, drawn from years of practicing and
honing her comprehensive process, offer a treasure trove of guidance and inspiration on bringing
people together to have conversations that empower them while also making a positive
difference in their lives. The chameleonlike nature of Tiger's process truly distinguishes it from
standard run-of-the-mill participation, and ensures engagement is inclusive and enjoyable,
honors all who participate, and ultimately taps into a collective well of wisdom that transforms
problems into a range of possibilities for enriching places and communities.
"-- "Nan B. Ellin, Professor of Urban Design, University of Colorado Denver"
Through in-depth, real-world examples of democratizing actions, Tiger shows how
communities long frustrated by institutional exclusions, systemic oppressions, and the politics of
capitalism can lead to what she frames as "authentic engagement." Creative Instigation re-frames
art as movement-building and should be required reading for everyone concerned with
community organizing, leadership building, and addressing systemic injustices.
"-- "Christopher B. Knaus, Professor, University of Washington Tacoma and University of South Africa"
To every person who is desperate to know how to bring on the changes we all know we need,
Fern Tiger's book is a great gift. Creative Instigation gives us the inspired guidance to figure out
how to begin--and how to follow through. Creative Instigation is a real kick start for those who
long to make a difference in their communities. Thank you, Fern Tiger!
"-- "Gary A. Patton, Former Supervisor, Santa Cruz County"