Criss-Crossing Paris : Journey to the Heart of Paris in 20 Cross-Stitch Designs - Fiona Sinclair

Criss-Crossing Paris

Journey to the Heart of Paris in 20 Cross-Stitch Designs

By: Fiona Sinclair, Sally-Anne Hayes

Paperback | 6 February 2018

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Cross-stitch interpretations of Parisian moments captured in a photograph.

Embroider an unforgettable travel memoir of Paris, with charming designs that feature familiar sights and unexpected moments. Each page is an invitation for the traveler or lover of Paris to share the author's journey, evoking memories of one of the world's most romantic cities. Snapshots, short poetic descriptions, and charming illustrations of the inspiration behind the designs are accompanied by photographs of the finished projects and counted charts. As well as pictures and pillows, projects include other items like a baguette tote, a metro sign ticket holder, and a door knocker pincushion. Each design can be adapted to stitch onto a variety of items and advice is given on these variations. Intrepid cross stitchers can step off the grid and use the illustrations as a guide to embroider on to linen, while those who prefer to work counted designs on Aida cloth will find chart templates in the book.
Industry Reviews

I would wager that this book would gather interest from the Watercolourist to the Embroiderer. It would make a non "cross-stitcher" cross stitch!

There is an introduction section, where we discover how to use the book and a little background info on the writers. Even the contents page is beautiful!

We learn a little about the authors in this early section, both having their own interpretations of the city and memories of it. One of the writers has an apartment there, thus the material we read about in the book has a fresh ongoing feel.

As someone who has family living in Paris, I may be ever so slightly biased - but I have to say I was really drawn to this book.

The average cross stitch book leaves me a tad cold; but this has inspired me - not just to cross stitch, but to get over to Paris and paint! It's got such an invitingly artsy feel.

There is such a mix of projects; some directly for framing, others suitable for bags, cushions and buttons - so we have plenty excuses to create.

Through this more personal view of Paris, we are invited to share their experiences, stitching them, experiencing them for ourselves.

-- xAilish * *

What a wonderful way to remember and celebrate the beautiful city of Paris. You'll see snapshots that inspired the cross stitch designs. Not just confined to pictures to frame, the designs include totes, purses, pouches and a lovely badge too. The designs are easily adapted to projects of your choice. There are charts and colour keys to work the designs on Aida or as counted thread, or the designs can be used by embroiderers in a more freehand way without a grid.

* *

Embroider an unforgettable travel memoir of Paris, with charming designs that feature familiar sights and unexpected moments. Each page is an invitation for the traveller or lover of Paris to share the author's journey, evoking memories of one of the world's most romantic cities. Each design can be adapted to stitch onto a variety of items and advice is given on these variations.

* Be Creative *

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