Chapter 1 Introduction, Wayne Martino, Nelson M. Rodriguez, Jennifer C. Ingrey, and Edward BrockenbroughChapter 2 Affect, Alyssa D. NiccoliniChapter 3 Allies of Intersectionalities, Paulina Abustan and A.G. RudChapter 4 Bitter Knowledge, Thabo MsibiChapter 5 Bullying, Gerald WaltonChapter 6 Coming Out, Gabrielle RichardChapter 7 Containment, Chris Haywood and Mairtin Mac an Ghaill<chapter 8=" critical=" intimate=" praxis,=" marilyn=" prestonChapter 9 Encounter Stories, Janna Jackson Kellinger and Danne E. DavisChapter 10 Faculty Trainings, Barbara Jean A. DouglassChapter 11 Families, Amy ShemaChapter 12 Friendship, David Lee Carlson and Joshua CruzChapter 13 Genderfication, Anne Harris and Stacy Holman JonesChapter 14 Gender Policing, Elizabethe Payne and Melissa SmithChapter 15 Heteroprofessionalism, Robert C. MizziChapter 16 Heterotopia, Jennifer C. IngreyChapter 17 Interlocking Systems of Oppression, Anna CarastathisChapter 18 Internal Safety, Bethy Leonardi and Elizabeth J. MeyerChapter 19 Mathematical Inqueery, Kai RandsChapter 20 Performance, Jennifer MacLatchyChapter 21 Postgay, Alicia LapointeChapter 22 Privilege, Blas Radi and Moira PerezChapter 23 Promoviendo (Promoting), Rigoberto MarquezChapter 24 Public Pedagogy, Julia Heffernan and Tina Gutierez-SchmichChapter 25 Queer Counterpublic Spatialities, Jon Ingvar KjaranChapter 26 Queer Literacy Framework, sj MillerChapter 27 Queer Millennials, M. Sue CrowleyChapter 28 Queer of Color Critique, Edward BrockenbroughChapter 29 Queer, Quare, and [Q]ulturally Sustaining, Jon M. WargoChapter 30 Queer Thrival, Adam J. GretemanChapter 31 Queer Transgressive Cultural Capital, Summer Melody PennellChapter 32 (Re)Fractioning Singularity, Erich N. Pitcher, Scotty M. Secrist, and Trace P. CamachoChapter 33 Religiosity, Tonya D. CallaghanChapter 34 Resilience, Rob CoverChapter 35 Safe Space, Christine QuinanChapter 36 Scavenging as Queer Methodology, Jason P. Murphy and Catherine A. LuggChapter 37 The Transgender Imaginary, Wayne J. MartinoChapter 38 Third Spaces, Shenila S. Khoja-MooljiChapter 39 Trans Generosity, Nelson M. RodriguezChapter 40 Trigger Warnings, Clare ForstieChapter 41 Utopias, Beatrice Jane Vittoria BalfourChapter 42 Versatility, James SheldonChapter 43 Visibility, Jerry RosiekChapter 44 Visual Methods, Louisa AllenChapter 45 Youth, Lisa W. Loutzenheiser and Sam Stiegler