Crunch Time : Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off - Michelle Bridges

Crunch Time

Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off

By: Michelle Bridges

Paperback | 2 February 2009 | Edition Number 1

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Product Description
So you want to lose weight? Why settle for half a kilo here and there when you can lose more weight faster - and keep it off! Michelle Bridges, expert trainer from The Biggest Loser, is here to help you do it.

Drop weight fast with Michelle's:
  • Intensive 12-week workout
  • Easy-to-follow menu plans
  • Irresistible recipes
  • No-nonsense motivational guide
  • Training tips and secrets

Crunch Time is jammed with the information you need to turn your life around.

About the Author

Michelle Bridges has worked in the fitness industry for eighteen years as a professional trainer and group fitness instructor. Her role as a trainer on Channel Ten's hit reality weight-loss show The Biggest Loser has made her Australia's most recognised personal trainer.

Michelle has travelled the world presenting at global fitness conventions and competing in physique and fitness competitions, and is sought after as a motivational speaker. The Crunch Time Cookbook is her second book. Her first, Crunch Time, was a bestseller.

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