1. Approach to the Emergency Department Patient, T. Russell Jones
2. Prehospital Emergency Services, Margaret Strecker-McGraw and Kimrey J. Daniel
3. Nuclear, Biologic, and Chemical Agents; Weapons of Mass Destruction, David L. Morgan and Christopher Ortiz
4. Disaster Medicine, Gregory A. Starr, Thomas W. Allen, and Charles E. Stewart
5. Legal Aspects of Emergency Care, Charles A. Eckerline, Jr. and Jonathan C. Brantley
6. Emergency Bedside Ultrasound, David A. Fritz
7. Emergency Procedures, William Randall Partin and Colby Dorrah
8. Procedural Sedation and Analgesia, Christopher Colvin
9. Basic & Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Eric C. Goshorn, Justin A. Kan, and Salvator J. Vicario
10. Compromised Airway, Justin Knowles and Allison Rains
11. Shock, William F. Young, Jr.
12. The Multiply Injured Patient, Julia Martin
13. Respiratory Distress, C. Keith Stone
14. Chest Pain, Martin R. Huecker and Daniel J. O'Brien
15. Abdominal Pain, Justin Coomes and Melissa Platt
16. Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Timothy G. Price and Zachary E. Armstrong
17. Coma, Dylan B. Medley and James E. Morris
18. Syncope, C. Keith Stone, Margaret Strecker-McGraw, and Andrew Juergens
19. Seizures, C. Keith Stone
20. Headache, C. Keith Stone
21. Arthritis & Back Pain, Ryan P. Woods and Jason Seamon
22. Head Injuries, Roger L. Humphries
23. Maxillofacial & Neck Trauma, Alicia A. Shirakbari and Marshall Hall
24. Chest Trauma, Jonathan Jones and Seth Searley
25. Abdominal Trauma, Sonya C. Melville and Daniel E. Melville
26. Genitourinary Trauma, Brian Adkins
27. Vertebral Column & Spinal Cord Trauma, S. Derrick Fowler and Jason Seamon
28. Orthopedic Emergencies, Royce Coleman and Alison Reiland
29. Hand Trauma, Bill Ewen and Raymond G. Hart
30. Wound Care, Thomas R. Jones
31. Eye Emergencies, Robert D. Greenberg and Kimrey J. Daniel
32. Emergency Disorders of the Ear, Nose, Sinuses, Oropharynx, and Mouth, Timothy C. Stallard
33. Pulmonary Emergencies, David A. Smith
34. Cardiac Emergencies, Sameer Desai
35. Cardiac Arrhythmias, Joseph Heidenreich
36. Gastrointestinal Emergencies, Elizabeth Davis and Kimberly J. Powers
37. Neurologic Emergencies, C. Keith Stone
38. Obstetric and Gynecological Emergencies and Rape, Ryan Tucker and Melissa Platt
39. Genitourinary Emergencies, Joseph Heidenreich
40. Vascular Emergencies, David A. Fritz
41. Hematologic Emergencies, M.K. Strecker-McGraw and Mark Andrew Wilson
42. Infectious Disease Emergencies, Jon Jaffe and Taylor Ratcliff
43. Metabolic & Endocrine Emergencies, Martin R. Huecker and Daniel F. Danzl
44. Fluid, Electrolyte, & Acid-Base Emergencies, James E. Morris
45. Burns & Smoke Inhalation, Dorian Drigalla and Jennifer Gemmill
46. Disorders Due to Physical & Environmental Agents, Rebecca C. Bowers and M. Virginia Mustain
47. Poisoning, David L. Morgan and Douglas J. Borys
48. Dermatologic Emergencies, Kavon Azadi and Boyd Burns
49. Psychiatric Emergencies, Eric J. Brown and Lori Whelan
50. Pediatric Emergencies, Maria Stephan, Craig Carter, and Shah Ashfaq