Track 1: Hello!
Track 2: My world ? people and their passions.
2.1 Wonderful people.
Insight 1: Facebook.
2.2 Global village.
Insight 2: Air Asia.
2.3 Customer tribes.
Insight 3: Banyan Tree.
Track 3: My agenda ? what matters most to me.
3.1 Emotional world.
Insight 4: Baidu.
3.2 Customer kaleidoscopes.
Insight 5: Stenders Soap Factory.
3.3 The customer agenda.
Insight 6: Camper Shoes.
Track 4: My terms ? power to the people.
4.1 Customer power.
Insight 7: Livestrong.
4.2 Pull not push.
Insight 8: Progressive Insurance.
4.3 Outside in, inside out.
Insight 9: Zipcars.
Track 5: My business ? the customer business.
5.1 The customer-centric business.
Insight 10: Amazon.
5.2 Customer value, business value.
Insight 11: Best Buy.
5.3 Ten dimensions of the customer business.
Dimension 1: Customer vision.
1.1 Customer purpose.
Insight 12: Lego.
1.2 Customer brand.
Insight 13: Aveda.
1.3 Customer alignment.
Insight 14: Cemex.
Dimension 2: Customer strategy.
2.1 Customer profitability.
Insight 15: Nike Women.
2.2 Customer segmentation.
Insight 16: Club Med.
2.3 Customer management.
Insight 17: Tata.
Dimension 3: Customer insights.
3.1 Customer intelligence.
Insight 18: Dove.
3.2 Customer immersion.
Insight 19: H&M.
3.3 Customer insights.
Insight 20: Harrah?s Casinos.
Dimension 4: Customer propositions.
4.1 Customer context.
Insight 21: Whole Foods Markets.
4.2 Customer propositions.
Insight 22: Oxfam Unwrapped.
4.3 Customer conversations.
Insight 23: Jimmy Choo.
Dimension 5: Customer solutions.
5.1 Customer collaboration.
Insight 24: Heinz Tomato Ketchup.
5.2 Customer innovation.
Insight 25: Smart USA.
5.3 Customer solutions.
Insight 26: Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
Dimension 6: Customer connections.
6.1 Customer communication.
Insight 27: Wumart China.
6.2 Customer networks.
Insight 28: Zopa.
6.3 Customer gateways.
Insight 29: Quintessentially.
Dimension 7: Customer experiences.
7.1 Customer journey.
Insight 30: Nintendo Wii.
7.2 Customer theatre.
Insight 31: Vom Fass.
7.3 Extraordinary experiences.
Insight 32: Build a Bear Workshop.
Dimension 8: Customer service.
8.1 Customer delivery.
Insight 33: Disneyland.
8.2 Individualized service.
Insight 34: Singapore Airlines.
8.3 Service recovery.
Insight 35: Ritz-Carlton.
Dimension 9: Customer relationships.
9.1 Customer partnerships.
Insight 36: Harley-Davidson.
9.2 Customer communities.
Insight 37: The Co-operative Group.
9.3 Customer advocates.
Insight 38: New Balance.
Dimension 10: Customer performance.
10.1 Value drivers.
Insight 39: Enterprise Car Rental.
10.2 Customer metrics.
Insight 40: First Direct.
10.3 Business impact.
Insight 41: GE.
Track 6: Leadership ? leading a customer
6.1 Inspiring people.
Insight 42: Eczacibasi.
6.2 New business leaders.
Insight 43: P&G.
6.3 Customer champions.
Insight 44: MAC Cosmetics.
Track 7: Culture ? creating a passion in
7.1 Engaging your people.
Insight 45: Pret A Manger.
7.2 Aligning people and customers.
Insight 46: Innocent.
7.3 Structures, symbols and stories.
Insight 47: Toyota.
Track 8: Transformation ? the journey to
8.1 Creating a customer revolution.
Insight 48: Avon.
8.2 Making change happen.
Insight 49: Skoda.
8.3 Virgin inspiration.
The customer business roadmap.
More genius.
About the author.