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Cut My Hair Illustrated Novel - Jamie S. Rich

Cut My Hair Illustrated Novel

By: Jamie S. Rich

Paperback | 1 September 2002

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Mason is young, and he hangs out with kids that are into bad music and bad haircuts. He lives in sunny California, where he spends his nights acting stupid in punk rock clubs and his days aimlessly reading comics and listening to tunes. The two most important things in his life are the girl who makes his heart beat at erratic speeds and the band with the strange boy he knows from high school-both of whom lead lives far more interesting than the one he leads himself. Unfortunately, his life is about to come crashing down on him in a barrage of angry fists and stomping feet. Everything is going to change. The debut novel by Oni editor in chief Jamie S. Rich is finally back in print. Featuring illustrations by Scott Morse, Andi Watson, Judd Winick, Renee French, and Chynna Clugston-Major. Cover by Mike Allred (X-STATIX). Co-published by Crazyfish/MJ-12.

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