Daily Academic Vocabulary, Grade 2 Teacher Edition : Daily Academic Vocabulary - Evan-Moor Educational Publishers

Daily Academic Vocabulary, Grade 2 Teacher Edition

By: Evan-Moor Educational Publishers

Paperback | 1 June 2007

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Provide effective academic vocabulary instruction for your 2nd grade students with short daily vocabulary lessons

Use these 15-minute lessons to teach your grade 2 students 95 key academic vocabulary words that they are likely to encounter in their daily lessons.

These are a few examples of the words presented in this second grade book:

  • choose, solve, amount
  • compare, explain, result
  • complete, prepare, similar
  • examine, observe, study

The top 2 reasons to make academic vocabulary one of the cornerstones of your literacy program:

  • Vocabulary knowledge is one of the most reliable predictors of academic success. Studies show a major difference over time between the achievement levels of children who enter school with a strong oral vocabulary and those who begin their schooling with a limited vocabulary.
  • Knowing academic vocabulary--the "vocabulary of learning"--is essential for students to understand concepts presented in school.

Each week of Daily Academic Vocabulary follows the same five-day format, making the content more accessible for both students and teachers.

Each lesson begins by introducing the words to students, having students pronounce the words, reading the definition, reading an example sentence, and then elaborating on the meaning of the words using the suggestions on the teacher lesson plan page.

Days 1-4 activities are used to assess students' understanding of the word(s) with engaging reproducible worksheets.

Day 5 activities are used to review and assess mastery of all the words from the week. The review contains four multiple-choice items and a writing activity that provides opportunities for students to use one or more of the week's words.

About Evan-Moor
A leader in PreK-8 educational publishing, Evan-Moor has been a trusted partner of teachers and parents for over 40 years. Our mission is helping children learn, and we do this by creating resources that motivate children to learn important skills and concepts across the curriculum while also inspiring a love of learning.

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