Damned If I Do : An Autobiography - Philip Nitschke

Damned If I Do

An Autobiography

By: Philip Nitschke, Peter Corris

Paperback | 31 July 2024 | Edition Number 1

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The extraordinary life of Australia's most controversial doctor

This is the revealing, personal story of the man behind the controversial pro-euthanasia movement, told in his own words. Medical doctor, humanist, author and founder/director of Exit International, Philip Nitschke's life has always been in the spotlight.

The book spans Philip's early days, from his curious, activist student days in Adelaide, to working with Aboriginal land rights groups in Australia's Far North; to his successful campaign to have euthanasia legalised in Australia and his assistance in four people ending their lives before the law was overturned.

It covers the controversy surrounding Philip's work, including the banning in Australia of his international bestselling book The Peaceful Pill, and disturbing reports that many young people overdosed on Nembutal, the drug that Exit International recommends for suicide.

Ultimately, Philip believes that the right to one's own death is as fundamental as the right to control one's own life- 'It seems we demand humans to live with indignity, pain and anguish whereas we are kinder to our pets when their suffering becomes too much.'

Other Books By Peter Corris

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Saving Billie : Cliff Hardy : Book 29 - Peter Corris
The Undertow : Cliff Hardy : Book 30 - Peter Corris
Master's Mates : Cliff Hardy : Book 26 - Peter Corris
Torn Apart : Cliff Hardy : Book 35 - Peter Corris
Follow the Money : Cliff Hardy : Book 36 - Peter Corris
Open File : Cliff Hardy : Book 33 - Peter Corris
The Marvellous Boy : Cliff Hardy : Book 3 - Peter Corris
Lugarno : Cliff Hardy : Book 24 - Peter Corris
Silent Kill : Cliff Hardy : Book 39 - Peter Corris
Comeback : Cliff Hardy : Book 37 - Peter Corris
Win, Lose or Draw : Cliff Hardy : Book 42 - Peter Corris
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