Volume I Part 1: Critical Overviews and Introductions to Dennett's Philosophy 1. B. Dahlborn, 'Editor's Introduction', Dennett and His Critics: Demystifying Mind (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993), pp. 1-7. 2. M. Elton, 'Dennett and the Philosophy of Mind', Daniel Dennett: Reconciling Science and our Self-Conception (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003), pp. 1-30. 3. P. Yu and G. Fuller, 'A Critique of Dennett', Synthese, 1986, 66, 4, 453-76. 4. D. L. Thompson, 'Conclusion: Synthesis and Critical Assessment', Daniel Dennett (London: Continuum, 2009), pp. 147-59. Part 2: Intentionality 5. E. N. Zalta, review of Dennett's The Intentional Stance, The Review of Metaphysics, 1989, 43, 2, 397-400. 6. D. Jacquetta, review of Dennett's The Intentional Stance, Mind, 1988, XVCII, 619-24. 7. P. Kitcher, review of Dennett's The Intentional Stance, The Philosophical Review, 1990, 99, 1, 126-8. 8. M. R. Bennett and P. M. S. Hacker, 'Appendix 1: Daniel Dennett', Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2003), pp. 413-35. 9. S. Webb, 'Witnessed Behavior and Dennett's Intentional Stance', Philosophical Topics, 2010, 22, 1/2, 457-70. 10. K. Andrews, 'Our Understanding of Other Minds: Theory of Mind and the Intentional Stance', Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2000, 7, 7, 12-24. 11. J. A. Fodor and E. Lepore, 'D.C. Dennett: Meaning Holism and the Normativity of Intentional Ascription (And a Little More about Davidson)', Holism: A Shopper's Guide (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), pp. 137-61. 12. G. McCulloch, 'Dennett's Little Grains of Salt', The Philosophical Quarterly, 1990, 1-12. 13. M. Slors, 'Why Dennett Cannot Explain What it is to Adopt the Intentional Stance', The Philosophical Quarterly, 1996, 46, 182, 93-8. 14. M. Ratcliffe, 'A Kantian Stance on the Intentional Stance', Biology and Philosophy, 2001, 16, 1, 29-52. 15. D. Beisecker, 'Dennett's Overlooked Originality', Mind and Machines, 2006, 16, 1, 43-55. 16. R. G. Millikan, 'On Mentalese Orthography', in Bo Dahlborn (ed.), Dennett and His Critics: Demystifying Mind (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993), pp. 97-123. 17. R. G. Millikan, 'Reading Mother Nature's Mind', Varieties of Meaning: The 2002 Jean Nicod Lectures (MIT Press, 2004), pp. 97-123. 18. N. Newton, 'Dennett on Intrinsic Intentionality', Analysis, 1992, 52, 1, 18-23. 19. P. Cam, 'Dennett on Intelligent Storage', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1984, 45, 2, 395-430. 20. B. L. Keeley, 'Fixing Content and Function in Neurobiological Systems: The Neuroethology of Electroreception', Biology and Philosophy, 1999, 14, 3, 395-430. Part 3: Mental Images and Time Perception 21. L. M. Russow, 'Dennett, Mental Images, and Images in Context', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1985, 45, 4, 581-93. 22. J. Bricke, 'Dennett's Eliminative Arguments', Philosophical Studies, 1984, 45, 3, 413-29. 23. P. S. Churchland and V. S. Ramachandran, 'Filling In: Why Dennett is Wrong', in Bo Dahlborn (ed.), Dennett and His Critics: Demystifying Mind (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993), pp. 28-52. 24. S. J. Todd, 'A Difference That Makes a Difference: Passing Through Dennett's Stalinesque/Orwellian Impasse', The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2009, 60, 3, 497-520. 25. J. Christie and J. Barresi, 'Using Illusory Line Motion to Differentiate Misrepresentation (Stalinesque) and Misremembering (Orwellian) Accounts of Consciousness', Consciousness and Cognition, 2002, 11, 2, 347-65. 26. R. Roache, 'Mellor and Dennett on the Perception of Temporal Order', The Philosophical Quarterly, 2003, 49, 195, 231-8. 27. G. Jarrett, 'Conspiracy Theories of Consciousness', Philosophical Studies, 1999, 96, 1, 45-58. 28. P. Bloomfield, 'Dennett's Misrememberings', Philosophia, 1998, 26, 1, 207-18. Volume II Part 4: Overviews of the Multiple Drafts Theory of Consciousness 29. K. Akins, 'Lost the Plot? Reconstructing Dennett's Multiple Drafts Theory of Consciousness', Mind & Language, 1996, 11, 1, 1-43. 30. A. Brook, 'Judgments and Drafts Eight Years Later', in Don Ross, Andrew Brook, and David Thompson (eds.), Dennett's Philosophy: A Comprehensive Assessment (MIT Press, 2000), pp. 219-57. Part 5: Critical Reactions to Dennett's Theory of Consciousness 31. T. Nagel, review of Dennett's 'Content and Consciousness', The Journal of Philosophy, 1972, 69, 8, 220-4. 32. R. Rorty, 'Dennett on Awareness', Philosophical Studies, 1972, 23, 3, 153-62. 33. R. Rorty, 'Comments on Dennett', Synthese, 1982, 53, 2, 181-7. 34. K. Gunderson, 'Content and Consciousness and the Mind-Body Problem', The Journal of Philosophy, 1972, 591-604. 35. R. Kirk, 'The Best Set of Tools? Dennett's Metaphors and the Mind-Body Problem', The Philosophical Quarterly, 1993, 43, 172, 335-43. 36. L. R. Baker, 'Content Meets Consciousness', Philosophical Topics, 2010, 22, 1/2, 1-22. 37. M. Tye, 'Reflections on Dennett and Consciousness', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1993, 893-8. 38. S. Sedivy, 'Must Conceptually Informed Perceptual Experience Involve Non-Conceptual Content?', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 1996, 26, 3, 413-31. 39. S. Shoemaker, 'Lovely and Suspect Ideas', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1993, 53, 4, 905-10. 40. N. Block, review of Dennett's Consciousness Explained, Journal of Philosophy, 1993, 90, 181-93. 41. C. McGinn, 'Consciousness Evaded: Comments on Dennett', Philosophical Perspectives, 1995, 9, 241-9. 42. N. Block, 'What is Dennett's Theory a Theory of?', Philosophical Topics, 1994, 22, 1/2, 23-40. 43. David M. Rosenthal, 'First Person Operationalism and Mental Taxonomy', Philosophical Topics, 1994, 22, 1/2, 319-49. 44. D. Hutto, 'Consciousness Demystified: A Wittgensteinian Critique of Dennett's Project', The Monist, 1995, 78, 4, 464-79. 45. W. S. Robinson, 'Orwell, Stalin, and Determinate Qualia', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 1994, 75, 151-64. 46. P. M. Churchland, 'Densmore and Dennett on Virtual Machines and Consciousness', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1999, 59, 3, 763-7. 47. A. A. Derksen, 'Dennett's Rhetorical Strategies in "Consciousness Explained"', Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 2005, 36, 1, 29-48. 48. L. Marsh, review of Dennett's Sweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness, Journal of Mind and Behavior, 2005, 26, 3, 207-14. 49. J. Toribio, 'Why There Still Has to be a Theory of Consciousness', Consciousness and Cognition 2, 1993, 28-47. Part 6: Dennett on Qualia 50. E. Conee, 'A Defense of Pain', Philosophical Studies, 1984, 46, 2, 239-48. 51. D. D. Nikolinakos, 'Dennett on Qualia: The Case of Pain, Smell and Taste', Philosophical Psychology, 2000, 13, 4, 505-22. 52. J. Levine, 'Out of the Closet', Philosophical Topics, 2010, 22, 1/2, 107-26. 53. M. Garcia Carpintero, 'Qualia that it is Right to Quine', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 2003, 67, 2, 357-77. 54. B. Johnsen, 'Dennett on Qualia and Consciousness: A Critique', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 1997, 27, 1, 47-81. 55. E. Lormand, 'Qualia! (Now Showing at a Theater Near You)', Philosophical Topics, 2010, 22, 1/2, 127-56. 56. H. Robinson, 'Dennett on the Knowledge Argument', Analysis, 1993, 53, 3, 174-7. 57. S. Bringsjord, 'The Zombie Attack on the Computational Conception of Mind', Philosophical and Phenomenological Research, 1999, 41-69. 58. T. L. S. Sprigge, 'Is Dennett a Disillusioned Zimbo?', Inquiry, 1993, 36, 1-2, 33-57. 59. T. Carman, 'Dennett on Seeming', Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2007, 6, 1, 99-106. Volume III Part 7 60. R. Rorty, 'Holism, Intrinsicality, and the Ambition of Transcendence', Dennett and His Critics: Demystifying Mind (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993), pp. 184-202. 61. W. Bechtel, 'Realism, Instrumentalism, and the Intentional Stance', Cognitive Science, 1985, 9, 4, 473-97. 62. L. R. Baker, 'Instrumental Intentionality', Philosophy of Science, 1989, 303-16. 63. C. Viger, 'Where do Dennett's Stances Stand? Explaining our Kind of Mind', in Don Ross, Andrew Brook, and David Thompson (eds.), Dennett's Philosophy: A Comprehensive Assessment (MIT Press, 2000), pp. 131-45. 64. W. S. Wilkerson, 'Real Patterns and Real Problems: Making Dennett Respectable on Patterns and Beliefs', The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 1997, 35, 4, 557-70. 65. R. M. Heitner, 'Is Design Relative or Real? Dennett on Intentional Relativism and Physical Realism', Minds and Machines, 2000, 10, 2, 267-75. 66. J. Haugeland, 'Pattern and Being', Dennett and His Critics: Demystifying Mind (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993), pp. 53-69. 67. B. Cohen, 'Patterns Lost: Indeterminacy and Dennett's Realism about Beliefs', Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 1995, 76, 1, 17-31. 68. C. Allen, 'Mental Content', The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1992, 43, 4, 537-53. 69. G. Rey, 'Dennett's Unrealistic Psychology', Philosophical Topics, 1994, 22, 1/2, 259-89. 70. B. Ramberg, 'Dennett's Pragmatism', Revue internationale de philosophie, 1999, 53, 207, 61-86. 71. D. Joslin, 'Real Realization: Dennett's Real Patterns Versus Putnam's Ubiquitous Automata', Minds and Machines, 2006, 16, 1, 29-41. Part 8 72. C. Rovane, 'The Personal Stance', Philosophical Topics, 1994, 22, 1/2, 351-96. 73. J. McCarthy, 'The Naturalist Narrative Self', Dennett and Ricoeur on the Narrative Self (New York: Humanity Books, 2007), pp. 47-71. 74. T. De Villiers and P. Cilliers, 'Narrating the Self: Freud, Dennett and Complexity Theory', South African Journal of Philosophy, 2004, 23, 1, 34-53. 75. J. Ismael, 'Saving the Baby: Dennett on Autobiography, Agency, and the Self', Philosophical Psychology, 2006, 19, 3, 345-60. 76. L. Holt, 'Metaphor, History, Consciousness: From Locke to Dennett', The Philosophical Forum, 1999, 30, 3, 187-200. 77. D. Carr, 'Phenomenology and Fiction in Dennett', International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 1998, 6, 3, 331-44. 78. A. Clark, 'That Special Something: Dennett on the Making of Minds and Selves', in Andrew Brook and Don Ross (eds.), Daniel Dennett (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 187-205. Part 9 79. J. C. Ahouse, 'The Tragedy of a priori Selectionism: Dennett and Gould on Adaptationism', Biology and Philosophy, 1998, 13, 3, 359-91. 80. T. M. Crowe, 'Daniel Dennett's Views on the Power and Pervasiveness of Natural Selection: An Evolutionary Biologist's Perspective', in Don Ross, Andrew Brook, and David Thompson (eds.), Dennett's Philosophy: A Comprehensive Assessment (MIT Press, 2000), pp. 27-40. 81. S. J. Gould, 'Darwinian Fundamentalism', New York Review of Books, 1997, 44, 34-7. 82. D. L. Hull, review of Dennett's 'Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life, Chicago Journals, 1996, 107, 1, 170-4. 83. J. Hodge, review of Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1997, 48, 3, 435-8. 84. D. Ivers, review of Dennett's Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life, Politics and the Life Sciences, 1996, 15, 1, 136-7. 85. H. A. Orr, 'Dennett's Dangerous Idea', Evolution, 1996, 50, 1, 467-72. 86. P. Godfrey-Smith, 'Maternal Effects: On Dennett and Darwin's Dangerous Idea', Philosophy of Science, 1998, 65, 4, 709-20. 87. J. Fodor, 'Deconstructing Dennett's Darwin', Mind & Language, 1996, 11, 3, 246-62. Volume IV Part 10 88. G. Watson, review of Dennett's Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting, The Journal of Philosophy, 1986, 83, 9, 517-22. 89. T. B. Mooney, 'Dennett on Ethics: Fitting the Facts against Greed for the Good', in Don Ross, Andrew Brook, and David Thompson (eds.), Dennett's Philosophy: A Comprehensive Assessment (MIT Press, 2000), pp. 309-26. 90. J. M. Fischer, review of Dennett's Freedom Evolves, The Journal of Philosophy, 2003, 100, 12, 632-7. 91. A. C. Danto, review of Dennett's Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting, Mind, 1986, 95, 377, 127-9. 92. M. Slote, review of Dennett's Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1987, 47, 4, 674-8. 93. G. Dworkin, review of Dennett's Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting, Ethics, 1986, 96, 2, 423-5. 94. M. Thornton, review of Dennett's Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting, Philosophy of Science, 1989, 56, 3, 543-4. 95. H. C. Steward, 'Determinism and Inevitability', Philosophical Studies, 2006, 130, 3, 535-63. 96. P. van Inwagen, 'Dennett on "Could Have Done Otherwise"', The Journal of Philosophy, 1984, 565-7. 97. M. Mameli, 'On Dennett and the Natural Sciences of Free Will', Biology and Philosophy, 2003, 18, 5, 731-42. 98. A. R. Mele, 'Dennett on Freedom', Metaphilosophy, 2005, 36, 4, 414-26. 99. M. Vargas, 'Compatibilism Evolves? On Some Varieties of Dennett Worth Wanting', Metaphilosophy, 2005, 36, 4, 460-75. 100. T. O'Connor, 'Pastoral Counsel for the Anxious Naturalist: Daniel Dennett's Freedom Evolves', Metaphilosophy, 2005, 36, 4, 436-48. Part 11 101. G. Gillett, 'Dennett, Foucault, and the Selection of Memes', Inquiry, 1999, 42, 1, 3-23. 102. L. Wieseltier, 'The God Genome', New York Times, 2006, 19, 11-12. 103. D. L. Thompson, 'Ethics and Religion: Evolution and Beyond', Daniel Dennett (London and New York: Continuum, 2009), pp. 121-59. 104. J. Stone, review of Dennett's Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, Zygon, 2009, 44, 3, 739-41. 105. L. Marsh, review of Dennett's Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 2006, 27, 3, 357-66.