Deadly Science - Earth's Changing Surfaces: Book 4 : DEADLY SCIENCE - Australian Geographic

Deadly Science - Earth's Changing Surfaces: Book 4

By: Australian Geographic, Corey Tutt

Hardcover | 7 February 2022

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Geological forces throughout history have continually re-designed earth’s natural landscape as our planet evolves and undergo changes. Today the constant effects of shifting tectonic plates, eruptions, erosion, desertification, and climate change continue to re-shape and redefine our home.

Inside of this book, you will find the tools, both modern and indigenous, to understand and navigate the difficulties ahead as we learn to live with Earth’s internal and powerful forces

Deadly Science series

Deadly Science - Renewable Resources: Book 8 : Deadly Science - Corey Tutt
Deadly Science - The Solar System : Book 5 2nd Edition - Australian Geographic