Introduction: Why Go around the Deaf World? Gaurav Mathur and Donna Jo Napoli
Part I: Sign Languages: Creation, Ccontext, Form
1. Sign Language Geography, Carol A. Padden
Response: Some Observations on Research Methodology in Lexicostatistical Studies of Sign Languages, James Woodward
2. Two Types of Nonconcatenative Morphology in Signed Languages, Gaurav Mathur and Christian Rathmann
Response: Some Observations on Form-Meaning Correspondences in Two Types of Verbs in ASL, Paul Dudis
3. Sources of Handshape Error in First-Time Signers of ASL, Deborah Chen Pichler
Response: Modality and Language in the Second Language Acquisition of American Sign Language, Russell S. Rosen
4. Getting to the Point: How a Simple Gesture Became a Linguistic Element in Nicaraguan Signing, Ann Senghas and Marie Coppola
Response: A Point Well Taken: On the Typology and Diachrony of Pointing, Roland Pfau
5. Acquisition of Topicalization in Very Late Learners of Libras: Degrees of Resiliency in Language, Sandra K. Wood
Response: A Critical Period for the Acquisition of a Theory of Mind? Clues from Homesigners, Cyril Courtin
6. Interrogatives in Ban Khor Sign Language: A Preliminary Description, Angela M. Nonaka
Response: Village Sign Languages: A Commentary, Ulrike Zeshan
7. Sign Language Humor, Human Singularities, and the Origins of Language, Donna Jo Napoli and Rachel Sutton-Spence
Response: Gesture First or Speech First in Language Origins? Adam Kendon
Part II: Social Issues/ Civil Rights
8. Best Practices for Collaborating with Deaf Communities in Developing Countries, Amy Wilson and Nickson Kakiri
Response: Deaf Mobilization around the World: A Personal Perspective, Yerker Andersson
9. HIV/AIDS and the Deaf Community: A Conversation, Leila Monaghan and Deborah Karp
Response: HIV/AIDS and Deaf Communities in South Africa: A Conversation, John Meletse and Ruth Morgan
10. The Language Politics of Japanese Sign Language (Nihon Shuwa), Karen Nakamura
Response: Pluralization: An Alternative to Existing Hegemony in JSL, Soya Mori
11. Social Situations and the Education of Deaf Children in China, Jun Hui Yang
Response: Social Situations and the Education of Deaf Children in India, Madan M. Vasishta
12. Do Deaf Children Eat Deaf Carrots? Paul Scott
First Response: "We're the Same, I'm Deaf, You're Deaf, Huh!" Donna West
Second Response: Deafhood and Deaf Educators: Some Thoughts, Paddy Ladd