Acknowledgements xi
About the Authors xiii
Part I What is Reflection? 1
1 Perspectives on Reflection 3
Reflective Learning: Making a Difference – Andrew Grant 3
Start Early, Make it Routine – Judy McKimm 5
Some Challenges for Reflective Practice – Fiona Murphy 7
About the Book: Structure and Content Overview 8
2 What is Reflection and Why Do We Do It? 11
Why are Learners Required to Reflect? 11
The Place of Reflection in Professional Development 13
John Dewey’s Contribution 15
What can be Achieved by Reflection? 15
Getting the Most Out of Reflection 16
Summary 18
3 Theoretical Underpinnings of Reflection 19
Kolb 20
Freire 20
Applying and Integrating Learning Through Reflection 21
Knowledge – a Constantly-Changing Network 21
Deep and Surface Approaches to Learning 22
Reflection In Action, Reflection On Action – Donald Schon 23
The Uncertain World of Practice 24
Emotional Content of Learning 24
Summary 25
4 Frameworks for Reflection 27
Introduction 27
Frameworks for Reflection 28
Kolb: Learning from Experience 28
Borton’s Framework 29
Rolfe’s Framework for Reflexive Practice 30
Gibbs: Learning by Doing 31
Summary 35
Part II Learning Reflection 37
5 Reflecting in Practice 39
Capturing and Describing the Experience 39
‘Less than a Minute’ Techniques 40
Voice Recordings 40
The Reflective Selfie 40
Emoticons 40
Word Whips 41
One to Five Minute Techniques 41
The ‘Three a Day’ Technique 41
The Credit Card Technique 41
Time Limited 42
Analysing the Experience 43
Description: What Happened? 43
Feelings: What Were You Thinking and Feeling? 44
Evaluation: What Was Good and Bad About the Experience? 45
Analysis: How Can I Make Sense of This Experience? 45
Conclusion 47
Action Plan 48
Summary 49
6 Writing Reflectively 51
What is Reflective Writing? 51
Different Types of Reflective Writing 51
Creative Writing 52
Analytical–Academic Reflective Writing 55
Journal Writing 55
Learning Outcomes 57
Dialogical Writing 57
Critical Incident Analysis 58
Reflective Essay 59
A Description of the Experience 60
Interpretation and Analysis 60
An Outcome 60
Portfolio Writing 61
Some Issues with Reflective Writing 61
Summary 62
7 Reflective Activities 63
Types of Reflective Learning Activity 63
Problem?Based Learning 63
Case?Based Learning 65
Supporting Reflective Learning 65
Supervision 65
Appraisal 66
Coaching and Mentoring 66
Coaching 68
Mentoring 70
Summary 70
8 Reflection, Critical Thinking and Action Research 71
Connecting Reflection and Knowledge Generation 71
Connecting Reflection, Knowledge and Research through Critical Thinking 72
1. Identifying and Challenging Assumptions 74
Our Autobiography 74
Our Patients’ and Clients’ Eyes 75
Our Colleagues’ Experiences 75
Theoretical Literature 75
2. Recognizing the Importance of Context 76
Constructing 76
Deconstructing 76
Confronting 76
Reconstructing 77
3. Exploring and Imagining Alternatives 77
4. Reflective Scepticism 78
Action Research: Connecting Reflection, Knowledge and Critical Thinking 78
Examples of Action Research 81
Summary 82
Part III Facilitating Reflection 83
9 Teaching and Supporting Reflection 85
Aims, Goals and Purpose 86
Supporting Learners to Get Started as Reflective Learners 87
Selecting the Right Method of Reflective Learning 88
Using Learning Technologies to Enable Reflection 93
Peer Learning 94
Reflection as Part of Developing Professional Identity 95
Evaluating Reflective Learning and Teaching 97
Summary 98
10 Assessing Reflection 99
What are You Looking For in Reflective Assessment? 100
Marking Reflective Work – a Cause of Potential Conflict 100
Effects of Making Reflective Learning Compulsory 101
Strategies to Discourage Students from Writing What They Think the Tutor Wants to Read or Will Gain Them Good Marks 102
Creating a Robust, Defensible Assessment for Your Students’ Reflective Work 104
Ensuring Robust, Valid, Reliable Assessment 105
Summary 107
Part IV Developing as a Reflective Practitioner 109
11 The Role of Reflection in Developing Professional Identity 111
How Does Reflective Practice Form Professional Identity? 112
How Can Reflection Be Challenging to Professional Identity? 113
Self Theories, PIF and Reflective Practice 114
How Can Guided Reflection Be Challenging Without Being Threatening? 116
Summary 117
12 Reflection, Revalidation and Appraisal 119
Adult Learning – Andragogy 119
1. The Need to Know 120
2. The Learners’ Self-Concept 120
3. The Role of the Learners’ Experiences 121
4. Readiness to Learn 121
5. Orientations to Learning 121
6. Motivation 121
Maximizing Learning Return on Effort 122
A Curriculum Based on Your Experience 123
Learning that is Intrinsically Rewarding 125
Keeping a Record for CPD, Appraisal and Revalidation 126
Demonstrating Learning and Development over Time 127
Summary 128
References and Resources 129
References 129
Further Resources 135
Index 137