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Directions for the Future : Issues in English for Academic Purposes :  Issues in English for Academic Purposes - Leslie E. Sheldon

Directions for the Future : Issues in English for Academic Purposes

Issues in English for Academic Purposes

By: Leslie E. Sheldon (Editor)

Paperback | 1 April 2004

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The papers comprising this volume are selected from presentations made at the 2001 Conference of the British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes, which was held at the University of Strathclyde (in Glasgow, Scotland). The role of EAP (English for Academic Purposes) is increasingly important, as higher education institutions consider their linguistic support strategies (both for native and non-native speakers of English), and confront the potential of the world wide web as a scholarly and pedagogic resource. The articles collected consider EAP - as an international profession--from a number of vital and relevant perspectives including practical pedagogy, research, and the impact of new technology.
Industry Reviews
This collection of articles brings the reader up-to-date with recent developments in EAP research, and the variety of the topics certainly mean that there is something in this book for anyone interested in EAP. (Linda Vekemans, International Journal of Applied Linguistics)

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