"In the past few decades discourse analysis has been making inroads, albeit slowly, into the practice of New Testament studies, but the approaches have been anything but uniform, easily accessible, or widely applied to the process of exegesis. Yet, with this volume we have varied applications across the New Testament, with voices as diverse as Robert Longacre, Daniel Patte, and Stephen Levinsohn. The collection capitalizes on more recent developments in discourse analysis, while putting on display the power and potential of the approach. Through the years younger New Testament scholars have contacted me to ask concerning discourse analysis, "Where do I begin?" I now have a ready answer."
George H. Guthrie
Regent College
"The analysis of discourse is one of the most developed branches of New Testament Greek studies at present. But it is also clear that the analysis of discourse has many kinds of methodologies. This much-needed book examines in some detail the application of discourse analysis to the books of the New Testament. Readers of this volume will immediately be struck by the diversity of approaches employed by the various contributors. Nevertheless, I believe this book succeeds in making discourse analysis immediately relevant to the modern exegete. I therefore commend it to all who believe in the integration of traditional grammar and modern linguistics."
David Alan Black
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Pastors and students frequently have some vague familiarity with Discourse Analysis (DA). They know that DA aids in determining the structure of the biblical text and thus can help us to read, preach, and teach the text more faithfully. But, where is the accessible introduction for the non-specialist? Where are understandable essays that will assist with the structure of each book in the New Testament? Todd Scacewater has assembled just such a set of essays by a team of specialists in DA. I am glad to know of Discourse Analysis of the New Testament Writings and look forward to using the volume and recommending it to others."
Robert L. Plummer
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Finally, we have as close to a head-to-head comparison of approaches to discourse analysis as could be conceived, and more importantly, to the exegetical utility of the results achieved. Scacewater's volume brings together leading advocates of varied approaches, along with some employing eclectic blends, to provide readers with analyses of every New Testament book. Some succeed more than others, but that is the point of such a volume-to allow you to critically evaluate these approaches in practice rather than in a theoretical vacuum."
Steven E. Runge
Trinity Western University
"This is one of the most helpful volumes on the use of linguistics in New Testament exegesis to appear in many years. It not only showcases the value of discourse analysis for interpreting the New Testament, but it does so in a manner that allows readers to easily compare the relative strengths and weaknesses of a range of approaches to discourse analysis. Scholars and pastors alike will find this an important resource for discovering how the linguistic choices of each biblical author elucidates the structure, and thus the message, of each New Testament book."
Martin M. Culy
Founding Editor, Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament