The comprehensive nature of this text will appeal To many physicians, the study of sinus disease to a wide range of physicians including generalists, reflects a discipline only slightly less interesting
otolaryngologists, and allergists. Family physi than a Johnson and Johnson gauze pad, a pursuit cians, internists, pediatricians, and allergists will followed by dilettanti and eccentric professors. To each profit from having
a single source that pro others, it represents a subsection of an undefined vides an in-depth review of topics pertaining to discipline that crosses barriers of internal medi sinus diseases. The otolaryngologist will benefit
cine, pediatrics, allergy, chest disease, and oto from having a single text that provides a detailed laryngology. To patients, sinus problems are discussion of the many ancillary medical problems synonymous with headaches and
a chronic source of morbidity. Yet few physicians have been pre that influence sinus function and, therefore, surgi cal outcome. We hope that all readers will enjoy the pared, until recently, to do much more than pre
international choice of authors whose topics have scribe antibiotics, intranasal steroids, antihistamines, been purposely allowed to overlap in an effort to and commiserate for the misery involved. Fortu provide the broadest
possible scope of informa nately, this picture shows significant signs of tion. We expect Diseases of the Sinuses to serve as impending remission. The disciplines of clinical immunology, allergy, and otolaryngology have the
foundation of an ever-stronger ongoing effort to combat sinus disease.
Industry Reviews
A detailed, comprehensive text on basic science topics relevant to paranasal sinus disease; on imaging methods; on clinical disease (varieties of acute and chronic sinusitis, infections, and smell disorders) and its diagnosis, interpretation, and treatment; and on surgical management. There is more here than most internists are likely to need, but some sections, such as that on the interpretation of headache that may arise from the nose or sinuses, may give insights into unusual problems.-Annals of Internal Medicine