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Do You Still Love Me? - Charlotte Middleton

Do You Still Love Me?

By: Charlotte Middleton

Paperback | 1 January 2004

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Every day, Dudley likes to wake up early (he likes to wake Anna up early too!) and every morning, he eats a hearly breakfast (a chunky rasher of bacon from Anna's plate!). Every evening, Dudley curls up with Anna in their favourite place. Then one day, Anna brings home someone new. It's a baby chameleon, called Pequito. Pequito is better at everything - he can even catch his own breakfast with his tongue. Anna and all her friends are fascinated by Pequito's funny eyes, and no one notices Dudley. Nobody seems to care about him any more. Then one night, Pequito isn't in his sleeping basket. Dudley's glad, but for some reason he can't get back to sleep. What's happened to Pequito? And will Dudley rise above his jealousy to go and search for him?
Industry Reviews
The old new-sibling/pet-in-the-house formula is given an original twist when Pequito the chameleon moves in, disturbing Dudley the dog's sublime peace. Gentle humor infuses this tale of the great-hearted but not-too-smart Dudley and his angst over the arrival of his scaly rival. Multimedia collages layer simple, bright line-and-color drawings over uncluttered, often photographic backgrounds, and full-bleed, double-paged spreads are broken up by vignettes and the occasional action sequence of four horizontal panels. This understated variety lends depth and interest to the simple, deadpan narration, revealing psychodramas and foreshadowings of which Dudley is blissfully unaware. Dudley himself is an appropriately goofy yellow lab with ink-dot eyes and an oddly skewed nose, clever command of line lending him great personality and appeal. That Dudley comes round to Pequito's presence is never in doubt, but the magnificently heroic way in which he does that is immensely satisfying, both to Dudley and to the reader. (Picture book. 3-6) (Kirkus Reviews)

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