Designed to instill clinical confidence while reducing math anxiety, Dosage Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis, 8th Edition, equips students with the critical-thinking and problem-solving capabilities to embrace the challenges ahead throughout their healthcare education and professional careers. This straightforward approach to dosage calculation progresses gradually from simple to complex problems, providing a framework for understanding the principles of the problem-solving method while reinforcing the critical thinking method in alignment with the unit path process. Ample practice problems, post-tests, and case studies deliver critical practice applying dosage calculation skills, engaging today's visual learners and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of basic math skills, measurement systems, and a systematic approach to drug calculations and administrations. Significantly updated and enhanced throughout, this 8th Edition reflects the latest practice standards, drug label information, and approximate equivalents, as well as dozens of new problems to hone students' mastery and ready them for success. - UPDATED! Revised content throughout ensures compliance with the latest Joint Commission and Institute for Safe Medication Practices standards and reflects the most commonly used medications on the market. - NEW! 40+ More Practice Problems for this edition, test students retention and provide valuable problem-solving practice. - UPDATED! Thinking it Through insights strengthen students critical-thinking and problem-solving capabilities. - UPDATED! Drug Labels provide fast access to key information for the dosage calculation process. - UPDATED! Tables detail approximate equivalents at- a- glance. - Step-by-Step Examples clarify problem-solving and dosage calculation processes. - 50 Case Studies familiarize students with common clinical scenarios. - Answer Keys at the end of each chapter streamline review and remediation. - In-Chapter Exercises help students hone newly acquired skills. - Removable Post-Tests at the end of each chapter track student progress. - 2 Comprehensive Post Tests synthesize students' understanding and highlight areas requiring further review. - Preventing Medication Errors boxes alert students to common mistakes. - Pediatric Medication icons emphasize special considerations related to dosage calculation in pediatric care.