List of Illustrations | p. xi |
List of Photographs | p. xii |
The Author | p. xiii |
Introduction to the Second Edition | p. xv |
A Brief History of Classical Equitation | p. xvii |
The Rider's Seat and Posture | p. 1 |
Exercises On Horseback | |
Exercises for the legs | |
Exercises for the arms | |
Harmonization of the Aids | |
Hands without legs--legs without hands | |
Intensity and duration of the aid | |
Weight | |
Conformation and Choice of a Young Dressage Prospect | p. 9 |
Movement | |
Where to Buy | |
Breeding and the Genetic Pool | |
Frozen Semen | |
Psychology of the Horse and Its Use in Training | p. 16 |
The Sixth Sense | |
Memory and Intelligence | |
Reactions | |
The Senses | |
Applying Equine Psychology to Training | |
Biomechanical Action of the Vertebral Column, Thorax and 'Power Curve' | p. 24 |
The Vertebral Column | |
The Thorax | |
The 'Power Curve' | |
Rectitude of the Horse | p. 31 |
Lateral Flexibility | p. 33 |
Riding Circles, Curves and Spirals | |
Shoulder-In, Travers, Renvers, Half- and Full Passes | |
Half- and Full Passes, Zigzags, Counter Changes of Hand | |
Riding Conduction on a Straight Line | p. 37 |
The Musculature of the Horse Related to Training | p. 39 |
Impulsion | p. 42 |
Instinctive | |
Mechanical | |
Transmitted | |
Tempo, Cadence, Rhythm and Self-Carriage | p. 46 |
The Walk | p. 47 |
The Trot | p. 50 |
Collected Trot | |
Lengthening of the Stride | |
The Medium and Extended Trots | |
The Canter | p. 55 |
The Collected Canter | |
The Medium Canter | |
The Extended Canter | |
The Counter-Canter | |
Faults in the Canter | |
My Progression | p. 63 |
Foundation of lateral and longitudinal flexibility | |
Lungeing | |
Ridden | |
Check points | |
Developing the strength to carry | |
Work in hand | |
Ridden | |
Check points | |
Collection, extension and self-carriage | |
Exercises | |
Check points | |
Variations | |
Lungeing | p. 68 |
General Principles of Lungeing | |
Benefits of working on a circle | |
The trainer's posture | |
Voice commands | |
Initial resistances | |
Early progression | |
More advanced exercises | |
Functional Aspects of Lungeing | |
Introducing the young horse to the lunge | |
Lungeing over ground poles and small jumps | |
Use of side reins in more advanced work | |
Retraining on the Lunge: A personal recollection | |
Starting the Young Horse Under Saddle | p. 78 |
Introduction On the Lunge | |
Initial Work Under Saddle | |
Progression | |
A Cautionary Reminiscence | |
The Full Halt | p. 84 |
The Half-Halt | p. 87 |
Leg-Yielding | p. 89 |
Shoulder-Fore | p. 91 |
Shoulder-In | p. 93 |
Explanation and Uses | |
Teaching the Horse | |
Faults In Shoulder-In | |
Bend and Tracking | |
Travers and Renvers | p. 101 |
Travers | |
Renvers | |
Exercises In Travers and Renvers | |
Pirouettes in the Trot on Diminishing Circles | p. 105 |
The Half-Pass in the Walk and Trot | p. 107 |
Early Work | |
More Advanced Work | |
Half-Passes and Zigzags in the Canter | p. 112 |
The Half-Pass | |
The Full Pass | |
The Counter Change of Hand | |
The Canter Zigzag | |
The Rein-Back | p. 120 |
Teaching the Horse | |
Overcoming Faults | |
The 'Swing' | |
Flying Changes | p. 123 |
The Movement and the Aids | |
Teaching the Horse | |
Faults and Corrections | |
Pirouette in the Walk | p. 133 |
Pirouettes in the Canter | p. 135 |
Sequence of Footfall | |
The Rider's Aids | |
Teaching the Horse | |
Faults and Corrections | |
Developing the Piaffe in Hand and Ridden | p. 144 |
Teaching in Hand | |
Preparation and equipment | |
Preparing the horse | |
Working the horse in hand | |
Work in hand under saddle | |
The Piaffe Ridden | |
The aids | |
Dealing with faults | |
Perfecting training | |
Passage | p. 154 |
Teaching the Horse | |
Faults and Corrections in Training | |
Transition Faults in Competition | |
Nervous and Headstrong Horses | p. 161 |
Preparation Before Work | |
Training | |
Working Outdoors | |
When Things Go Wrong | |
Riding Cross-Country | p. 166 |
Preparing for Competition | p. 169 |
The Training Schedule | |
Travel, Preparation and Teamwork | |
Mental Preparation of the Rider | |
Warming Up | p. 173 |
Approaches for Different Horses | |
Learning From Experience | |
Competition | p. 177 |
National Competitions | |
International Competitions | |
Finances of Dressage: Maintaining the Art | |
Judging | p. 181 |
Conclusion | p. 185 |
Notes | p. 189 |
Index | p. 200 |
Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved. |