"For our time, His Holiness the Dalai Lama embodies the completely pure essence of the Buddha's wisdom and limitless compassion for all beings. His knowledge of the teachings of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism in general and the Dzogchen teachings in particular is impeccable. His deep understanding and generosity of spirit make him an unerring and reliable guide through the subtleties of the profound vehicle of Tibetan Buddhist practice known as Dzogchen. Students are fortunate to have access to this collection of rare teachings--the most direct teachings available on mind's true nature--and through them to meet such an extraordinary teacher."--The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
"For unsurpassed, highest, perfect scholarship, Dzogchen comes as near as language permits us to discussing the ineffable."--Bloomsbury Review
"In this beautifully translated and edited volume, His Holiness, foremost proponent of the Ri-me movement in contemporary Buddhism, displays his enormous erudition, profound insight, and inexhaustible good humor in illuminating the profound theory and practice of Dzogchen. This work is a genuine treasure for scholars and contemplatives alike."--B. Alan Wallace
"H.H. the Dalai Lama, Buddhist leader and world peacemaker, sets forth herein perfectly clear instructions for the attainment of buddha mind and the heart essence of dzogchen. Studying, contemplating, and meditating on these teachings will reveal the true meaning of precious human life. This book is a beacon for the new millennium!"-- Khenpo Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche
"What greater treasure than this volume hosting four separate teachings on Dzogchen, given by the Dalai Lama to Western students?"--Sangha Journal
"He offers here not only luminous insight into the heart of spiritual practice but also practical advice on how to bring such teachings into daily life. His humor adds a warm grace note throughout. Clear, easy to understand, . . . a perfect book for our times."--Tricycle
"This is a book of uncommon richness and a remarkable testimony to His Holiness's learning insight and many-sided genius."--Branches of Light, the semiannual review journal of Banyen Books
"A brilliant explanation of Dzogchen, presented with a unique perspective and breadth."--Mandala: A Tibetan Buddhist Journal