Incorporating this content into graduate programs is a key component in creating change, since current and future faculty members and policymakers must have the tools to deconstruct and challenge dominant discourses if there can be any hope of understanding the power and consequences involved in applying this knowledge to policy creation. - Casandra E. Harper, Feminist Formations
"At a time when higher education is struggling to take advantage of the many technological innovations available to it, this timely and thought-provoking second edition of E-tivities envisions a new way to deliver curriculum. The book is written in a user friendly and accessible style, challenging thinking not to merely shift from 'traditional' teaching to technologically supported learning, but to re-think the learning process and conceptualise content and delivery differently, in an e-form. Making a sound conceptual argument, the author makes exceptional use of case studies and guided thinking for the development of e-tivities, including the use of open educational resources. This is a must read not only for the practitioner wanting to change, but for institutional leaders as well."-Craig Mahoney, Chief Executive, Higher Education Academy, UK
"Everywhere I go in the world I meet people grateful for the first edition of this book. With even more e-tivities and wise advice, built on years of experience, this second edition will have us all going back for more, to further improve our online teaching and support."-Diana Laurillard, Professor of Learning with Digital Technology, London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, UK
"If the collective wisdom of the past few decades of online learning could be distilled and condensed into one easy-to-read book, it would be this one. As Gilly Salmon shows, there is no end to the technological tools that can be incorporated into one's online courses and programs. However, there is also no need to be lost, frustrated, or uncertain when working in online environments. The second edition of E-tivities is a powerful guide, which lays out an immense set of possibilities while offering a framework in which to make sense of them all."-Curt Bonk, President of CourseShare, LLC, and Professor of Instructional Systems Technology in the School of Education at Indiana University, USA
"Gilly Salmon's challenge for us to be part of the Quantum Generation of learning design frames the field's biggest question: what constitutes and redefines effective learning in the digital age? In a remarkably concise way, Salmon overviews the enormous changes in the decade since her first edition before outlining many helpful approaches. This new edition speaks to all those interested in making sense of the opportunities and potential pitfalls of learning in the digital age. This is a must-read!"-David Sadler, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Students & Education, University of Tasmania, Australia